运行flutter build apk (flutter build 默认会包含 --release选项). errors如下: Compiler message: Error: SDK root directory not found: file:///Users/macuser/Programs/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk_product/. Error: Error when reading 'file:///Users/macuser/Programs/f...
flutter build apk //默认打包release包或者flutter build --release 打包的过程很快就完成了,会提示release包的路径,adb命令即可安装 当然也可以直接在<app dir>先执行flutter install安装到电脑连接的手机上! 总体过程并不是很难,主要就是生成key文件,配置Gradle;我个人还是倾向于希望Android Studio修复Bug,可以通过点...
To all the beginners If you wish to release an apk of a flutter app just do: flutter run --release (and make sure to connect your device to a phone) steps to ensure your phone is connected: 1. enable usb debugging mode in your phone 2.click on version number of your phone in syst...
今天flutter build apk打包了一个release.apk包,在真机上安装后网络数据都不显示,但是在模拟器上没问题,然后又连接真机开debug各种测试,一切都正常!那这会是什么问题呢? 查找搜了一些资料,发现问题所在,安卓开发中flutter应用没有网络权限。 在这个文件里,android\app\src\profile\AndroidManifest.xml,manifest 里添加...
运行flutter build apk --release后的空格 运行flutter build apk --release命令后的空格是指在使用Flutter开发框架时,在生成发布版本的安装包(APK)前进行编译和打包过程中产生的临时目录。 在执行flutter build apk --release命令后,Flutter会先进行代码编译和资源打包,生成一个临时的构建文件目录。该目录中包含了编...
在解决"flutter build apk"中的错误之前,我们首先需要了解Flutter和APK的概念以及相关技术。 Flutter是一种跨平台的移动应用开发框架,由Google开发。它可以帮助开发...
Only when I upgrade to Gradle 4... and Only when I try to build a signed release apk ... (building aab is working fine), I get the following error: > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':app:profileRuntimeClasspath'. > Failed to transform libs.jar to match attributes...
构建一个发布版(release)APK 现在准备工作都差不多完成,可以进行打包了。输入命令: flutter build apk 稍等一会儿时间就会提示打包完成了,并告诉你apk存放的位置。 然后就可以进行真机安装,或者分享了。 补充打包bug: https://www.cnblogs.com/joe235/p/11492273.html...
flutter build hap --release 或者 flutter build hap 1. 如果需要指定engine的话,使用--local-engine参数 比如flutter build hap --release --local-engine=E:\ohos\flutter_image\src\out\ohos_release_arm64,会提示失败src\out\ohos_release_arm64\flutter.har找不到 如果提示flutter.har找不到,那就是从...
My Problem I have a flutter app which uses Firebase and Firebase analytics libraries. The specific implementation can be found below in "Steps to Reproduce". When I try to run "flutter build apk", I get the following output: >flutter bui...