进入项目目录 flutter build apk 打包好的发布APK位于<app dir>/build/app/outputs/apk/app-release.apk。 至此就ok了,过程中我也遇到了些问题。 1、签名路径问题,没有写绝对路径。 2、打包完成后闪退:就是程序的问题,然后我调试的时候也是闪退,后来是我手残改了 这里,然后颜色都不对了,也是扯淡。 然后节本...
variantOutput.processResourcesProvider.get() : variantOutput.processResources processResources.dependsOn(copyFlutterAssetsTask) //14.将apk复制到已知位置,一遍遍运行flutter run,或者flutter build apk命令,一般默认位置是<app-dir>/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/<filename>.apk // // The filename consists of...
打包报错2:(signingConfigs与buildTypes顺序错误 如图六) 图五 muxiaosi:device_repair muxiaosi$ flutter build apk--release Building without soundnullsafety For more information see https://dart.dev/null-safety/unsound-null-safetyFAILURE:Build failedwithan exception.*Where:Build file'/Users/muxiaosi/Desk...
flutter build apk //默认打包release包或者flutter build --release 打包的过程很快就完成了,会提示release包的路径,adb命令即可安装 当然也可以直接在<app dir>先执行flutter install安装到电脑连接的手机上! 总体过程并不是很难,主要就是生成key文件,配置Gradle;我个人还是倾向于希望Android Studio修复Bug,可以通过点...
Flutter Tutorial: How to Build an Instant Messaging App Finally, we get to the interesting part. As the name implies, the messages should be exchanged as fast as possible, ideally, this should be instant. Luckily, cloud_firestore allows us to interact with Firestore instance and we can use ...
多渠道打包需求很普遍,甚至开发环境下 也需要不同环境测试,提供不同名称或者不同包名的APK(方便测试 防止覆盖) 纯Android 多渠道思路: 配置.gradle 中的 buildTypes,但是这个思路在 Flutter 中有坑! 因为在配置 多个buildTypes, 最终都是执行 一下脚本执行 ...
完事了flutter build apk还是报错。 不行了,然后就用AS打开flutter工程下的android工程,采用AS打包的方式打包,看看报错。 然后也是各种尝试,版本匹配了,也同步成功了,打包还是一样的错误,不过错误更细致了: Configure project :app WARNING: API 'variant.getMergeAssets()' is obsolete and has been replaced with...
对于macOS用户使用flutter build apk打包可为曲折,官方只给出了Android正常的配置流程,但是macOS用户是不行滴---需要申请系统的访问权限授权 GitHub地址:https://github.com/skeyboy/less_flutter 视频内容 简略的Android Studio配置(默认你的签名文件已经设置完成) 防止key.properties文件 ...
I would also add that the flutter team (including me) needs to decide if we want to support multiple ways of building and if so how to document the expected behavior. flutter build appbundle vs flutter build apk --split-per-abi vs flutter build apk --target-platform iBog commented May...
Steps to Reproduce update pubspec.yaml with version: 0.8.0+10 runs 'flutter build apk --split-per-abi' on terminal open generated apks and inspect AndroidManifest.xml results: arm64-v8a.apk . versionCode='2010' armeabi-v7a.apk . versionC...