/// The command used for running pub.List<String>_pubCommand(List<String>arguments){return<String>[sdkBinaryName('pub')]..addAll(arguments);} 也就是说,代理连接失败,问题不在flutter_tools中,需要继续分析pub流程。 STEP 2: 缩小范围:pub get 的处理流程 (pub) pub 的二进制文件路径在~/flutter/...
flutter pub get Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock 平时我们在开发flutter过程中,在执行flutter packages get命令之后,如果运气不好的,命令没有执行成功的话,我们就会遇到这个错误提示: Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock... 然后你会发现会发现在任何...
是指在使用Flutter开发框架时,执行"flutter pub get"命令时遇到的问题。该命令用于获取项目所需的依赖包。 在执行"flutter pub get"命令时,可能会遇到以下几种问题:...
Flutter添加依赖库 执行pub get, 提示错误信息: command not found: pub 解决方案:flutter pub get
All was working well for me, but for some reason i have to open .zshrc file, after that i tried the flutter pub get command or any other command, it threw the command not found error. Nothing has been changed in the .zshrc file nor any configuration has been changed. ...
flutter pub get 为应用程序创建 Amplify 后端 步骤1:前往应用程序的根文件夹,然后在终端运行以下命令,为应用程序预配 Amplify 后端。 amplify init 步骤2:接受自动生成的环境名称选项,并选择默认的编辑器。在本指南中,我们使用 VSCode。接着选择 AWS 验证方法;这里我们将使用 AWS 配置文件。最后,选择您想使用的配置...
双击打开后,我们在里面添加上这两行即可: 为了方便大家 CV ,具体内容如下: export PUB_HO ...
export PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cn export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.flutter-io.cn 其他项目没问题,这个项目运行flutter packages get就报错: Running "flutter packages get" in flutter_wanandroid-master... Git error. Command: git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD fatal:...
2.Flutter: 'package get' has not been run; 'Pub get' has not been run 3.as提示 Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock 4.Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted ...
-bash:flutter:commandnotfound 3、发布插件库到pub 在Android Studio终端执行命令: flutter packages pub publish --dry-run 出现警告: Missing requirements: * Your pubspec.yaml must have an "author" or "authors" field. * Your pubspec.yaml is missing a "homepage" field. ...