#import<Foundation/Foundation.h>intmain(intargc,constchar* argv[]) {@autoreleasepool{NSTimeZone*timezone = [NSTimeZonesystemTimeZone];// Get current time zone.NSLog(@"Timezone name: %@", timezone.name);NSLog(@"Timezone offset GMT: %ld hours", timezone.secondsFromGMT/60/60); }return0...
NSTimeZone *timezone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]; // Get current time zone. NSLog(@"Timezone name: %@", timezone.name); NSLog(@"Timezone offset GMT: %ld hours", timezone.secondsFromGMT/60/60); } return 0; } 这个示例应用首先导入了Foundation.h头文件,它包含了 Apple 的基础库的 A...
NSTimeZone *timezone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]; // Get current time zone. NSLog(@"Timezone name: %@", timezone.name); NSLog(@"Timezone offset GMT: %ld hours", timezone.secondsFromGMT/60/60); } return 0; } The sample application first imports theFoundation.hheader file, which ...
A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the os. Getting Started Install this package and everthing good will just follow along with you. Features iOS Support Android Support Usage examples Get the timezone final String currentTimeZone = await FlutterNativeTimezone.getLocalTimezone();Ab...
由于UTC与GMT是相同的时间,因此timeZoneOffset会给予您所需的+/- GMT offset。在您的问题中,您说...
This is a fork of the original flutter_native_timezone due to lack of maintenance of that package. Getting Started Install this package and everything good will just follow along with you. Usage examples Get the timezone final String currentTimeZone = await FlutterTimezone.getLocalTimezone();...
通过getTimezoneOffset() 方法判断当前时区是否为夏令时 getTimezoneOffset() 方法 方法返回 UTC 时间和本地时间之间的时差,以分钟为单位。...世界协调时间 (UTC) 是世界时间标准设定的时间, UTC 时间与 GMT 时间(格林威治时间)相同。...测一下我所在时区和标准时区的时间差 function myDate () { var d =...
时区- Timezone 使用 date/time 第一个的要注意的时时区,很多错误都是因为这个引起的,比如定时发布的文章在错误的时间发布了(比如你想是北京时间明天早上8点发布的,但是发布在格林尼治时间早上...WordPress 后台是可以让你设置时区的,在 设置 > 常规,并且可以使用下面代码获取: $timezone_offet = get_op...