date_format:^1.0.8 import'package:date_format/date_format.dart'asdateFormat; 时间常用方法: ///获取当前时间_getCurrentTime(){;//打印当前时间 2020-12-29 06:21:34.729165print("当前时间: $now");}///将时间转换为时间戳_getTimestamp(){//时间;//...
DateTime currentDate =; 要从DateTime类获取特定日期,可以使用DateTime的构造函数。构造函数接受年、月、日等参数,用于创建一个指定日期的DateTime对象。例如,要获取2022年1月1日的日期: 代码语言:txt 复制 DateTime specificDate = DateTime(2022, 1, 1); DateTime类还提供了许多其他有用的方法和...
To get the current time in Flutter, you can use This will return aDateTimeobject representing the current date and time. From this object, you can get the time using thehour,minute, andsecondproperties. Here is an example code snippet: DateTime now =
#How to get the Current Epoch Timestamp in Dart/Flutter Dart provides theDateTimeclass to provide Date and Time-related functions. Thenow()method returns the DateTime object current date and time. Here is an example to get the Current timestamp in Dart ...
}/// 获取当前选择的值/// Get the value of the current selectionList getSelectedValues() {returnadapter.getSelectedValues(); }/// 取消voiddoCancel(BuildContext context) {if(onCancel !=null) onCancel(); Navigator.of(context).pop<List<int>>(null); ...
time:只显示时间,效果:4 | 14 | PM date:只显示日期,效果:July | 13 | 2012 dateAndTime:时间和日期都显示,效果:Fri Jul 13 | 4 | 14 | PM 设置最大日期和最小日期: 代码语言:javascript 复制 CupertinoDatePicker(,
millisecondsSinceEpoch: The long number represents the milliseconds elapsed epoch timestamp isUtc: false, returns local DateTime, true, returns UTC Date and time. Here is an example program parse timestamp to Local DateTime void main() { var microSeconds = 1649571676566000; var date = new DateTim...
下面我们将添加「TimePlanner」组件,设置其 startHour, endHour, 和 headers,然后添加「TimePlannerTitle」组件, 代码语言:javascript 复制 TimePlanner(startHour:2,endHour:24,headers:[TimePlannerTitle(date:"7/20/2021",title:"tuesday",),TimePlannerTitle(date:"7/21/2021",title:"wednesday",),TimePlanner...