query.map((t) => Task.fromMap(t)).toList() : [];print('getAll in database: ${tasks.length} , ${tasks[0].title},${tasks[1].title}');return tasks;}//delete sql by idFuture<void> delete(int id) async {var db = await database;await db?.rawDelete('DELETE FROM timerdata W...
查询结果是一个Map的列表,每个Map代表一条数据记录。我们可以将这些Map转换为我们的数据模型。以下是处理查询结果的示例代码: Future<List<MyData>> getMyDataFromDB(Database db) async {// 获取所有数据final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await queryAll(db);// 将Map转换为MyData对象return List.ge...
Color.withValues(alpha: x) expects values between 0...1 instead of 0...255 #160592 closed Dec 28, 2024 Make `bringup` tasks filterable in the Flutter Dashboard #160697 closed Dec 27, 2024 mac-43 lost external connection from phone device. #160929 closed Dec 27, 2024 Flutter...
Update chip docs to clarify how to specify a shape with no border & explain default values for Material 3 by @TahaTesser in #134298 InputDecoration.error should activate error state by @Renzo-Olivares in #134001 Remove TextPainter migration flag from the framework by @LongCatIsLooong in #13...
在之后的开发中, 我们也可以利用命名构造方法,提供更加便捷的创建对象方式。比如开发中,我们需要经常将一个Map转成对象,可以提供如下的构造方法 代码语言:javascript 复制 // 新的构造方法Person.fromMap(Map<String,Object>map){this.name=map['name'];this.age=map['age'];}// 通过上面的构造方法创建对象var...
: ProvinceModel.fromMapList(resp.data); } /// 请求市内的区 Future> requestAllDistricts(String proid, String cityid) async { var resp = await Application.http .getRequest('${WeatherApi.WEATHER_PROVINCE}/$proid/$cityid', error: (msg) => _logger.log(msg, 'district')); return resp =...
"Valid values: all, API, Compiler, CompilerVerbose, Dart, " "Debugger, Embedder, GC, Isolate, and VM."); 其中charp 为 typedef const char* charp; 真正执行的函数如下: /path/to/engine/src/third_party/dart/runtime/vm/http://flags.cc ...
values.map((value)=>square(value)).toList(); 6. 可以将 collection-if 和 spreads 与列表、集合和map一起使用 Collection-if and spreads 在我们写代码时非常有用。 这些其实也可以和map一起使用。 看下面的例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 constaddRatings=true;constrestaurant={'name':'Pizza Mario','...
Widgetbuild(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {// watch the StreamProvider and get an AsyncValue<User?>final authStateAsync = ref.watch(authStateChangesProvider);// use pattern matching to map the state to the UIreturnauthStateAsync.when(data:(user) =>user !=null?HomePage() :SignInPage...
'values(?);', [tasklist.name] ); }); await database.execute( 'create table ${Task.TABLE} (' 'id integer primary key autoincrement,' 'name text,' 'listid integer,' 'isdone boolean,' 'foreign key(listid) references ${TaskList.TABLE} (id)' ...