如果你对项目做了修改,打包前需要Clean Project Build --> Clean Project 开始打包 注意:打开项目的android文件夹,而不是项目名文件夹 Build ---> Generate Signed Bundle/APK --->APK 第一次打包: 在Key store path下面点击Create new Key store path:配置好签名保存的位置,最好别保存在项目文件里,在外面新...
任务运行失败最常见的情况是 map 任务或 reduce 任务中的用户代码抛出运行异常。如果发生这种情况,任务 ...
Could not create task ':flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle:generateDebugUnitTestConfig' 在文件[flutter项目]\android\build.gradle中,注释掉一行代码就行。 rootProject.buildDir = '../build' subprojects { // project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${project.name}" // 把这行注释掉,在flutter运行...
这货会被类似 implementation files('libs.jar') 添加进我们 project 的编译依赖项中,然后里面的 so 会在项目执行标准 mergeDebugNativeLibs task 时打包进标准 lib 目录,所以最终 apk 中 app.so 位于 lib 目录下(好奇反思:官方这里为什么不直接弄成 aar,而是把 so 打进 jar,感觉回到了 eclipse 时代,没整明白...
2、混淆:可以增加逆向难度还有减少Apk大小混淆打包命令():flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=xx--obfuscate:开启混淆操作; --split-debug-info=:将因混淆生成的 map 符号表缓存到此位置so优化和混淆同时使用打包命令:flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=debugInfo --target-...
reset() // Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs. universalApk false } } } } //5.编译命令如果有deferred-component-names参数,那就配置到dynamiceFeatures 属性里 if (project.hasProperty('deferred-component-names')) { String[] componentNames = ...
const MaterialApp({ super.key, this.navigatorKey,//导航键 this.scaffoldMessengerKey,//脚手架键 this.home,//主页 Map<String, WidgetBuilder> this.routes = const <String, WidgetBuilder>{},//应用程序顶级路由表 this.initialRoute,//如果构建了导航器,则会显示第一个路由的名称 this.onGenerateRoute,/...
Hi! It's my first time using flutter. I was trying to run the tapping app(the app when u first create a flutter app) in my smartphone which already has the developer and debugging options activated, but when I use flutter run or F5 on VS...
</intent-filter> </activity><!--Don't delete the meta-data below.This is used by the Flutter tool to generate GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java--> </application> </manifest> Nov 15, 2022
if(shouldSplitPerAbi()){project.android{splits{abi{// Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.enabletrue// Resets the list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for to none.reset()// Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs.universalApkfalse...