firebase_core:^3.8.0firebase_auth:^5.3.3flutter_facebook_auth:^7.1.1 我之前的授权代码如下,登录的时候提示错误 Future<UserCredential>signInWithFacebook()async{// throw SimpleException('Facebook Login Fail.');// Trigger the sign-in flowfinalLoginResultloginResult=awaitFacebookAuth.instance.login(...
-- FACEBOOK CONFIGURATIONS ENDS HERE --><applicationandroid:label="facebook_auth"android:name="${applicationName}"android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"><activityandroid:name=".MainActivity"android:exported="true"android:launchMode="singleTop"android:theme="@style/LaunchTheme"android:configChanges="orient...
However Flutter Auth has built-in support for email verification. So why not automatically initiate email verification by default for Facebook sign-in, and then mark the email address as trusted once the user has verified they can access that email account? And actually, rather than throwing the...
Full documentation 👉 ✅ Don't forget to leave your like if this plugin was useful for you. IMPORTANT: Upon installation of this plugin, configuration is needed on Android before running the project again. If this is not done, an error ofNo implementation found...
Facebook登录是一种第三方登录方式,允许用户使用其Facebook账号登录到其他应用程序中。在Flutter应用程序中使用Facebook登录时,可能会遇到本机登录出错的问题。以下是可能导致此问题的一些常见原因和解决方法: 网络连接问题:检查设备的网络连接是否正常,确保能够正常访问互联网。如果网络连接不稳定或存在阻塞,可能会导致...
They all work very well, but I prefer flutter_facebook_auth. Coz its doc is very informative. It tells you if you have Android 11 or up, you will need to add something in AndroidManualfest.xml Let's see the login page. then logout. login via facebook or go anonymous ...
flutter_facebook_auth 提供了 Facebook 登录授权的支持,可以方便地使用 Facebook 身份验证功能。 flutter_twitter_login 提供了 Twitter 登录功能的支持,可以方便地使用 Twitter 身份验证功能。 flutter_html 提供了在 Flutter 应用中使用 HTML 标记语言渲染的支持,支持多种 HTML tags、attributes 和 CSS 样式。
flutter_facebook_auth: ^3.5.2 # sentry sentry_flutter: ^6.0.1 # 头部背景 # draggable_home: ^1.0.2 # 第三方登录按钮 auth_buttons: ^1.0.1+4 # 倒计时 timer_count_down: ^2.2.0 项目规模 页数: 40~50 业务 社交信息 积分系统 商品兑换 ...
在android和ios上使用本地facebook登录sdk的flutter插件。 开源项目2019-10-11 上传大小:149KB 所需:50积分/C币 flutter_plugin_pdf_viewer,一个处理pdf文件的flutter插件。适用于Android和 一个处理pdf文件的flutter插件。适用于Android和iOS 上传者:weixin_38744435时间:2019-09-24 ...