1、下载Visual Studio http://https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/downloads/ 2、Visual Studio安装失败可以修改DNS尝试
Install "Desktop development with C++" workload from Individual components of Visual Studio Installer for Visual Studio 2022 Community. Run flutter doctor and see Visual Studio not installed. Logs flutter doctor -v C:\Users\prate>flutter doctor -v [√] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.0.5, on Micros...
flutter doctor 显示Vishal Studio没安装 1。 [X] Visual Studio - develop for Windows X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development. Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/. Please install the “Desktop development with C++” workload, including all of ...
Flutter plugins and some of the flutter SDK tests require visual studio installed. To fix problems with missing Root CAs we had to move back to run flutter VMs using chrome images that do not include visual studio. To fix this problem we are preparing hermetic VS installations that set the ...
是指在使用Visual Studio代码进行Flutter开发时,遇到Flutter SDK路径配置不正确或无法找到SDK的问题。 Flutter SDK是用于开发Flutter应用程序的软件开发工具包,包含了Flutter框架、Dart编程语言和一系列命令行工具。在使用Visual Studio代码进行Flutter开发时,需要正确配置Flutter SDK的路径,以便能够正常使用Flutter的开发工具...
直接运行可能会出错,因为Windows应用编译需要Visual Studio工具,就像MacOS需要Xcode一样 可以执行一下flutter doctor看看情况 3.安装 VisualStudio 下载完后,flutter doctor时,如下。之后就可以运行了。 二、官方桌面项目和一些桌面插件 1.运行官方桌面示例 Github上google的flutter-desktop-embedding是官方的桌面支持项目, ...
先把android studio和vscode还有所有java ,jre ,jdk卸载干净。 个人目录这里的vscode和grable的临时文件夹要删除干净。 image.png 然后重新装as 和 vscode。jdk 21。 还有这几个环境变量: PSD:\dev\project\temp\videoplayer\android>flutter doctor-vFlutterassets will be downloadedfromhttps://storage.flutter-io...
1.4.3 运行flutter doctor *报错:Unable to find bundled Java version on Flutter cd /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/jre ln -s ../jre jdk ln -s "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin" jdk flutter doctor 二、工程创建 ...
加入了桌面端支持之后,请重启你的IDE,然后IDE就能检测到新的设备了。// 检查配置flutter doctor 二.其他要求 Windows平台 1.需要安装VisualStudio下载地址 cb170bd93dd14f2789b30e130c4a7613_tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-watermark.png 解决下载器无法安装问题(下载进度条不动) ...
step4:环境变量设置完成后,重启一下电脑,然后在PowerShell窗口(或在Flutter安装目录的flutter文件下找到flutter_console.bat,双击运行)输入如下命令:flutter doctor 注:第一次运行一个flutter命令(如flutter doctor)时,它会下载它自己的依赖项并自行编译。以后再运行就会快得多。一旦你安装了任何缺失的依赖,再次运行fl...