如果问题依旧,考虑重新安装Flutter SDK: 如果上述步骤都不能解决问题,尝试卸载Flutter SDK,重新从官网下载并安装到一个新的目录,然后再次按照上述步骤设置PATH环境变量。 通过以上步骤,你应该能够解决flutter doctor zsh: command not found: flutter的问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要检查更具体的系统配置或权限设置。
最近发现以前配置好的flutter的开发环境,退出终端,再进入终端,输入flutter doctor命令后,会显示,zsh: command not found: flutter的错误。经过查找资料,发觉是从 macOS Catalina 版开始,您的 Mac 将使用 zsh 作为默认登录 Shell 和交互式 Shell。您还可以在较低版本的 macOS 中将 zsh 设置为默认 Shell。 如果你不...
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} 然后再次执行flutter doctor 便可以执行成功了,但这个方式配置环境仅限当前命令行窗口,如果下次再次打开,需要重新配置
When the user installs and configuresFlutterFor the First time, when the user runs a command on a terminal, the user gets an error like Command Not Found. So in this article, we will go throughHow to Solve Command Not Found in Flutter. How to Solve Command Not Found in Flutter? You ...
2023-08-16 flutter之执行命令【flutter doctor】报错:Android sdkmanager tool not found ==》在as工具安装Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)即可 步骤如下: 注:请确保你有足够的空间安装并运行as工具。
Can't create projects from VSCode 1.21.0 I try uninstall dartcode extension and install, after reload but the problem as no solved. My flutter PATH is correct and working from gnome-terminal but no from VSCode. gary@kronos:~/flutter$ flu...
bash: flutter: command not found +1 lock bot commented Apr 19, 2020 This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please open a new bug, including the output of flutter doctor -...
再次在命令行输入flutter doctor,就不会报找不到flutter命令的错误了。 3.出坑 等等,你以为这就完了?新建一个命令行窗口,再次输入flutter doctor,你会发现仍然报-bash: flutter: command not found这个错误。 这是因为我们之前设置环境变量的时候,是直接在命令行通过export命令进行的,并没有全局设置上。 这时候我...
1069 1 4 -bash: flutter: command not found 1164 2 2 我这点击运行全是错误 38 0 3 登录后可查看更多问答,登录/注册Flutter从入门到进阶 实战携程网App 一网打尽核心技术 参与学习 4788 人 提交作业 158 份 解答问题 3271 个 解锁Flutter开发新姿势,,系统掌握Flutter开发核心技术。 了解课程 本...
「Flutter」flutter doctor 报错 最近打算研究下 Flutter,在 Mac 上搭建环境,在flutter doctor这步一直报错。在网上找了下资料,终于解决了问题,遂记录下。 [!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 27.0.3) ✗ Android license status unknown✗ Android license status unknown....