运行flutter doctor 的时候出现 Android Studio (not installed) Doctorsummary(to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):[✓]Flutter(Channel beta, v1.1.8, on Mac OS X10.13.617G4015, locale en-US)[✓]Androidtoolchain-developforAndroiddevices(Android SDK version28.0.3)[✓]iOStoolchain-deve...
根据提示,在命令行执行flutter doctor --android-licenses 需要输入的时候,全部输入y即可。 再次输入flutter doctor,如果此时还有提示 Android Studio(not installed),那么需要在命令行配置Android Studio的安装目录 flutter config --android-studio-dir "D:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio" 注意:目录中如果有空格...
I am no expert. Especially not on Windows. I had this problem on Ubuntu when I used the snap install, but the problem was resolved when I installed android studio from the repository. On Ubuntu, if you installed from snap, you should set these two parameters: ...
解决方法: flutter config --android-studio-dir=“D:\AndriodStudio” 分类:android 标签:Flutter 代码诠释的世界 粉丝-8关注 -0 +加关注
所有的协议都同意后 , 再执行 flutter doctor , 出现如下提示 , 说明 Flutter 环境安装成功 ; Flutter plugin not installed 和 Dart plugin not installed 报错不用管 , 在 Android Studio 中已经安装了 Flutter 和 Dart 插件 , 但是此处无法识别到 , 不影响 Flutter 开发 , 暂不处理 ;...
明明安装了Android Studio软件,而且也安装了flutter插件,但是flutter doctor依然显示没找到。 [!]AndroidStudio(version4.1)✗Flutterplugin not installed;thisaddsFlutterspecific functionality.✗Dartplugin not installed;thisaddsDartspecific functionality.
已经安装Flutter、dart插件,但是还是报错: Flutter plugin not installed and Dart plugin not installed 在安装Flutter环境时,flutter doctor 检测出现以下错误,但是实际上已经安装了Flutter、Dart插件 image.png Mac解决方案 终端运行 (其实是添加软连接) 【注意】将里面的 AndroidStudio 后面的版本号(例如2020.3)全部换...
所有的协议都同意后 , 再执行 flutter doctor , 出现如下提示 , 说明 Flutter 环境安装成功 ; Flutter plugin not installed 和 Dart plugin not installed 报错不用管 , 在 Android Studio 中已经安装了 Flutter 和 Dart 插件 , 但是此处无法识别到 , 不影响 Flutter 开发 , 暂不处理 ;...
老师,我在cmd端输入flutter doctor 有个选项会出现[!] Android Studio (not installed)如何解决呢?李特别纯 2021-02-25 13:05:00 源自:3-6 Flutter开发环境与Android开发环境设置实操(Windows)【边学边做】 323 分享 收起 1回答 CrazyCodeBoy 2021-02-26 09:21:08 如果Android Studio已经安装了可以忽略,...
I have installed Visual Studio 2022 in a custom location on my D: drive with the "Desktop development with C++" workload but whenever I run flutter doctor, I get the following error [X] Visual Studio - develop for Windows X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows develo...