void init() async { print('$runtimeType delays 1 sec'); await 1.delay(); print('$runtimeType ready!'); } } 参考:Get官方文档
constoneSecond=Duration(seconds:1);Futur<void>printWithDelay(String message)async{awaitFuture.delayed(oneSecond);print(message);} 相当于这段代码 constoneSecond=Duration(seconds:1);Future<void>printWithDelay(String message){returnFuture.delayed(oneSecond).then((_){print(message);});} 空安全 在你...
Stream<int> countStream() async* { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); yield i; } } void main() { final stream = countStream(); final subscription = stream.listen((data) { print('Received: $data'); }); // 取消订阅 subscription.ca...
constoneSecond=Duration(seconds:1);// ···Future<void>printWithDelay(String message)async{awaitFuture.delayed(oneSecond);print(message);} 上面的方法相当于: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Future<void>printWithDelay(String message){returnFuture.delayed(oneSecond).then((_){print(message);});} ...
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), (){ sum = a + b; // This sum will be calculated after 1 second. print(sum); }); Since the delay duration is already known (calculated from previous animation durations), the animation can be triggered after this interval. ...
delayWithFutureThen(){Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:5),(){int age=30;returnage;}).then((onValue){onValue++;print('我多大了啊 $onValue');});/* flutter: 我多大了啊 31 */} Future还有很多有意思的方法,比如 Future.doWhile() 、Future.any()、Future.wait(),我们简单的看一个,比如Future....
flutter:1 Future.delay() 创建一个延迟执行的Future,并且返回Future对象。 voidmain(){futterDelayTest();print('4-做其他事情');}voidfutterDelayTest(){Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:3),(){print("延时3秒执行");});}运行结果: flutter:4-做其他事情 ...
/// An [Interval] can be used to delay an animation. For example, a six second/// animation that uses an [Interval] with its [begin] set to 0.5 and its [end]/// set to 1.0 will essentially become a three-second animation that starts/// three seconds later. ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 delayWithFutureThen() { Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:5), () { intage =30; returnage; }).then((onValue) { onValue++; print('我多大了啊 $onValue'); }); /* flutter: 我多大了啊 31 ...