Fix DataTable example not being scrollable by @Chinmay-KB in #131556 ScaleGestureRecognizer: make pointerCount public by @kseino in #127310 [New feature] Allowing the ListView slivers to have different extents while still having scrolling performance by @xu-baolin in #131393 Revert "Adds a par...
创建一个继承自DataTableSource的类class MyData extends DataTableSource { final List<Map<String, dynamic>> _data = List.generate( 60, (index) => { "id": index + 1000, "name": Username.cn().fullname, "sex": Random().nextInt(10...
of(BuildContext context) {//沿着Element树, 去找到最近的UserInfoViewModelElement, 从Element中取出Widget对象returncontext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(); }//4.决定要不要回调子控件State中的didChangeDependencies(前提子空间得是StateFullWidget)//如果返回true: 执行依赖当期的InheritedWidget的State中的didCh...
Add support for fixed or sticky columns in PaginatedDataTable. #161079 closed Jan 6, 2025 🐛 Bug Report: Drag and Drop Issue on Circle Drag Target #161075 closed Jan 6, 2025 Error: 'SelectionDetails' is imported from both 'package:flutter/src/widgets/selectable_region.dart' and 'pa...
Syncfusion DataGrid (DataTable) https://pub.dev/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid#datagrid-features This package is used to display and edit data tables in tabular form. It's built to be very efficient (like every Syncfusion package) and offers many customization options. ...
Generally, displaying data in a table would make sense on a web app, but as we already have limited screen real estate on mobile, showing a table would either make it squished and unreadable or would be horizontally scrollable which is really painful to use. We can fix this very easily ...
DataTable https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/DataTable-class.html 数据表显示原始数据集。它们通常出现在桌面企业产品中。DataTable小部件实现了这个组件。 GridView https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/GridView-class.html 网格列表由以垂直和水平布局排列的单元格的重复模式组成。GridView小部件实现了这...