/// Typically a [ListView] or [CustomScrollView]. final Widget child; /// The distance from the child's top or bottom [edgeOffset] where /// the refresh indicator will settle. During the drag that exposes the refresh /// indicator, its actual displacement may significantly exceed this val...
bubble_tab_indicator 为 TabBar 的选项卡指示器添加类似气泡的效果。 2021-03-08 218 custom_refresh_indicator 可以轻松实现自定义刷新指示器。 2022-06-14 362 flex_color_picker 可定制的 Flutter自定义颜色选择器。 2022-09-09 255 glassmorphism 用于轻松实现 Glassmorphic UI (玻璃拟态) 的 Flutter 包。 2...
import'package:liquid_pull_to_refresh/liquid_pull_to_refresh.dart'; Usage For adding this custom refresh indicator in your flutter app, you have to simply wrapListVieworGridViewinsideLiquidPullToRefresh. Also you have provide the value ofonRefreshparameter which is a refresh callback. ...
custom_refresh_indicator 可以轻松实现自定义刷新指示器。 2024-03-23 681 flex_color_picker 可定制的 Flutter自定义颜色选择器。 2024-05-14 448 hand_signature 允许用手指绘制签名的签名板小部件。 2024-04-11 230 flutter_advanced_switch 高级开关控件为小部件自定义提供了丰富的 API。 2024-02-26 120 car...
onRefresh(RefreshCallback) method required completable future. child is typically ListView or CustomScrollView. import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:http/http.dart'ashttp;import'dart:convert';import'dart:async';voidmain()=>runApp(MyApp());classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{@overrideWidget...
Liquid Pull To Refresh [407⭐] - A beautiful and custom refresh indicator by Ayush Agarwal. Slide Container Slide vertically and horizontally with a smooth dampened motion by Quentin Le Guennec. Rubber Bottom Sheet [189⭐] - Elastic material bottom sheet by Mattia Crovero. ...
if (this.length == 0) indicatorStatus = IndicatorStatus.Empty; } else { indicatorStatus = IndicatorStatus.Error; } onStateChanged(this); return isSuccess; } Future<bool> loadData() async { return true; } @override Future<bool> onRefresh() async { ...
EasyRefresh( header: Header( position: IndicatorPosition.locator, ), footer: Footer( position: IndicatorPosition.locator, ), onRefresh: () async { // 下拉刷新逻辑 // ... }, onLoad: () async { // 上拉加载逻辑 // ... return IndicatorResult.noMore; }, child: CustomScrollView( slivers:...
Liquid Pull To Refresh [407⭐] - A beautiful and custom refresh indicator by Ayush Agarwal. Infinite Listview [70⭐] - Infinite scroll in both directions by Simon Lightfoot. Offline [338⭐] - Tidy utility to handle offline/online connectivity by Jeremiah Ogbomo. Scroll To Index [72⭐...
custom_nested_scroll_view 解决NestedScrollView无法实现下拉放大device_info 获取设备信息device_preview 预览程序dio http请求库dio_cookie_manager Cookie管理extended_image 强大的官方 Image 扩展组件, 支持加载以及失败显示,缓存网络图片,缩放拖拽图片,图片浏览(微信掘金效果),滑动退出页面(微信掘金效果),编辑图片(裁剪...