其他的框架则更多偏向于state整体的管理和更新(bloc中cubit很像但需要太多模版代码),freezed的限制和使用可以参考我的另一篇文章,不再赘述,因为这种生成式或者将来添加的宏都会遇到类似的问题,所以多聊一点。 状态的结束 riverpod在官网提及自己的优势是,自动生命周期管理。这点确实是状态管理的一个难点,也是开发者经常...
We currently only sign out on the specific error message Invalid Refresh Token: Refresh Token Not Found. I don't know what the reason for a 401 response is. We emit the error via addError to the onAuthDtateChange stream, where you could react to that. Author KirioXX commented May 12,...
VideoCubit( String url, { bool autoPlay = true, bool controlsVisible = false, }) : super(VideoState.initialize( url: url, autoPlay: autoPlay, controlsVisible: controlsVisible, )) … void togglePlay() { state.playing ? state.controller.pause() : state.controller.play(); emit(state.copyWith...
123AuthCubit():super(UnAuthenticatedState());voidlogin() => emit(AuthenticatedState());voidlogout() => emit(UnAuthenticatedState()); Note: Because the emit method is protected, it should only be used within a cubit. Bloc Widgets The bloc widgets help to rebuild/notify the UI components in...