expect(Event.fromEventsListJson(jsonString).first.id,"11732023561"); }); test("parse event", () { const jsonString ="""replace with event json string"""; expect(Event.fromJson(jsonString).id,"11732036753"); }); } 这里面应该放json字符串的, 太长了我就省略了, 这样看比较清晰. 用"""...
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'ref_type') @nullable String get refType; 1. 报错3:FormatException: Control character in string 比如: FormatException: Control character in string (at line 25, character 129)... replica::on_client_write(dsn::message_ex *request, bool ignore_throttling) 1. 相关i...
String get displayLogin; 如果字段真的是有可能为 null 的情况, 那么加上@nullable: 比如: @BuiltValueField(wireName: 'ref_type') @nullable String get refType; 报错 3: FormatException: Control character in string 比如: FormatException: Control character in string (at line 25, character 129) ....
@BuiltValueField(wireName:'display_login')StringgetdisplayLogin; 如果字段真的是有可能为null的情况, 那么加上@nullable: 比如: @BuiltValueField(wireName:'ref_type')@nullableStringgetrefType; 报错3:FormatException: Control character in string
String get displayLogin; 如果字段真的是有可能为null的情况, 那么加上@nullable: 比如: @BuiltValueField(wireName: 'ref_type') @nullable String get refType; 报错3:FormatException: Control character in string 比如: FormatException: Control character in string (at line 25, character 129) ...
No space between am/pm and time in time picker #162229 opened Jan 26, 2025 CupertinoPageRoute pop animation is flipped when triggered during push animation #162227 opened Jan 26, 2025 [Windows] Clipboard.setData stops copy once malformed character appears in the String #162226 opened ...
fix: cannot input new line using custom input control by @Satsrag in #140356 Link to wiki page about updating dependencies in each pubspec.yaml file by @elliette in #140826 Handle KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER and KEYCODE_ENTER by @mossmana in #140808 Re-land integrate testWidgets with leak tracki...
dart: Error: The control character U+0000 can only be used in strings and comments. /C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/image-2.1.19/lib/src/formats/psd/effect/psd_inner_glow_effect.dart: Error: The control character U+0000 can only be used in strings and comments. /C:/...
根据你的问题,你为什么不使用dart String replaceAll方法。使用一个简单的regExp就可以替换所有的回车。
[maxLength]/// characters./// If [maxLength] is set, [maxLengthEnforced] indicates whether or not to/// enforce the limit, or merely provide a character counter and warning when/// [maxLength] is exceeded.maxLengthEnforced:false// 自动获取焦点autofocus:false,onChanged:(String str){//输入监...