I tried to add web support to an existing mobile app. The name of the app in the pubspec.yaml is a valid package name. However, the directory that contains the package (which is derived from a git repository name) contains a dash "-" in ...
Loading Error Failed to load the page. Please check the network status and reload the page, or submit a ticket to report it.
I suspect that because the length of "hdjk" is smaller than "hdjdd," it causes a crash. So, the issue seems to be that when inputting certain characters, if the length of the suggested word is shorter than the original one, it leads to a crash. type "fggjiy" ,the suggested is "...
// please note that even if enableLog: false log messages will be pushed in this callback // you get check the flag if you want through GetConfig.isLogEnable } 本地状态小部件 这些小部件允许您管理单个值,并保持状态短暂且在本地。我们有反应式和简单式的风格。例如,您可以使用它们来切换 TextF...
If the session is expired, you can listen to the onAuthStateChange event and wait for a new tokenRefreshed event to be fired. BeforeAfter 1 // Session is valid, no check required2 final session = supabase.auth.currentSession; Removing Flutter Webview dependency for OAuth sign in# In v1...
I have been playing this and Starlight for months because I have an amateur interest in Lepidoptera, and this game teaches me about so many different species! I love both of these games for different reasons, but Flutter is the better of the two in terms of play if not for the maxed ...
Check this outfor the samplemain.dart. Here's how you can integrate the WebEngage SDK with your Flutter apps: 1. Installation Step 1:Add thewebengage_flutterplugin in yourpubspec.yamlfile. dependencies:webengage_flutter:^1.2.1 🚧
functional, and UI testing that is accompanied by detailed documentation.Widget testingallows running UI tests quickly and effectively. In addition, Flutter Driver class allows driving the application in another process and delivers different useful methods to test user interaction and interface of the ...
Flutter is the world’s leading online sports betting and iGaming operator, with a market leading position in the US and across the world. Our ambition is to leverage our significant scale and our challenger mindset to change our industry for the better.
⚠️ NOTE. Check if you already have CFBundleURLTypes or LSApplicationQueriesSchemes keys in your Info.plist. If you have, you should merge their values, instead of adding a duplicate key.Skip Step 5 (Connect Your App Delegate) and all the rest.And that's it for iOS....