Future<bool> _checkDirectoryExists(String path) { return Directory(path).exists(); } It also has the synchronous version existsSync. bool _checkDirectoryExistsSync(String path) { return Directory(path).existsSync(); } Check if a Filesystem Link Exists If you want to check whether a filesy...
if !File.exists? file_abs_path return []; project 'Runner', { 'Debug' => :debug, 'Profile' => :release, 'Release' => :release, } def flutter_root generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__) unless File....
clear(); // 写入文件后清空输入框信息 } } // 读取文本操作 void _readTextFromFile() async { File file = File(await _getFilePath()); if (await file.exists()) { setState(() => _fileContent = file.readAsStringSync()); // 文件存在则直接显示文本信息 } else { setState(() => _...
Steps to reproduce I am encapsulating Android native View into a Flutter plug-in and using it in Flutter. The process and ending are very smooth, but I need to use the LifecycleOwner and ViewModelStoreOwner functions, so I replace Flutte...
UnderUser variablescheck if there is an entry calledPath: If the entry exists, append the full path to flutter\bin using ; as a separator from existing values. If the entry doesn’t exist, create a new user variable named Path with the full path to flutter\bin as its value. ...
func checkUniMPResoutce(appid: String) -> Void { let wgtPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: appid, ofType: "wgt") ?? "" if DCUniMPSDKEngine.isExistsUniMP(appid) { let version = DCUniMPSDKEngine.getUniMPVersionInfo(withAppid: appid)!
TypeError:无法读取null flutter的属性'uid' 这个错误是由于在Flutter应用中尝试读取一个空值(null)的属性'uid'导致的。在Flutter中,当尝试读取一个空值的...
("checkFileComplete")) { val path = call.argument<String>("savePath"); val sign = call.argument<String>("sign"); Log.i("传递过来的文件签名:", sign.toString()) if (path.toString().isNotEmpty()) { Log.i("传递过来的文件路径不为空,继续检查", "") FileIsComplete(path.toString(),...
withAppendedPath(baseUri, "" + id) } else { if (imageFile.exists()) { val values = ContentValues() values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, filePath) context.contentResolver.insert( MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values) } else { null } } } } } 2.MediaStorePlugin(更新...
injectJavascriptFileFromAsset({required String assetFilePath}): Injects a JavaScript file into the WebView from the flutter assets directory. injectJavascriptFileFromUrl({required String urlFile}): Injects an external JavaScript file into the WebView from a defined url. isLoading: Check if the ...