是下面的值// AppLifecycleState.resumed// AppLifecycleState.inactive// AppLifecycleState.paused// Ap...
登录Play Console,选择应用,然后从菜单中选择应用包资源管理器。单击已拒绝的版本旁边的箭头,并查找权限...
Check if simctl is installed before trying to list devices or runtimes #163895 merged Feb 25, 2025 Update dragDevices doc to include default PointerDeviceKind.trackpad #163898 merged Feb 25, 2025 Revert "Marks Linux_pixel_7pro service_extensions_test to be flaky" #163882 merged Feb 25...
doForeground Configures offline push. setOfflinePushConfig Configures offline push. Friend Management APIs Tencent Cloud Chat SDK does not check friend relationships by default when sending and receiving messages. To achieve the interactive experience of "add friends first, then send messages", you can...
initializeApp(), builder: (context, snapshot) { // Check for errors if (snapshot.hasError) { return SomethingWentWrong(); } // Once complete, show your application if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) { return MyAwesomeApp(); } // Otherwise, show something whilst ...
Text Widget,从名字也可以看出,在 Flutter 里是用来负责显示文本信息的一个组件,功能类似于 Android 的TextView、HTML 的一些文本标签等等,属于基础组件。 那么知道了它的作用后,我们再看下 Text 这个组件的继承关系: Text -> StatelessWidget -> Widget -> DiagnosticableTree -> Diagnosticable -> Object ...
(loadingUnitId,resolvedComponentName);return;}SplitInstallRequest request=SplitInstallRequest.newBuilder().addModule(resolvedComponentName).build();splitInstallManager// Submits the request to install the module through the// asynchronous startInstall() task. Your app needs to be// in the foreground ...
final Color foregroundColor = Color(0xff595959); final _check = Icon(Icons.check); Color noteColor; int indexOfCurrentColor; @override void initState() { super.initState(); this.noteColor = widget.noteColor; indexOfCurrentColor = colors.indexOf(noteColor); ...
); void localLogWriter(String text, {bool isError = false}) { // pass the message to your favourite logging package here // please note that even if enableLog: false log messages will be pushed in this callback // you get check the flag if you want through GetConfig.isLogEnable }....
foregroundColor, this.bgColor], ).createShader(Offset.zero & size); var ovalMetrics = ovalPath.computeMetrics(); for (var pathMetric in ovalMetrics) { for (var i = 0; i < ballCount; ++i) { var lengthRatio = animationValue * (1 - i / ballCount); var tangent = pathMetric.get...