android { compileSdkVersion 30 // change here defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 21 // change here targetSdkVersion 28 // change here } } After that, run flutter clean and re-run your application. Version 2.8 or Above For projects created using Flutter 2.8 or above, the values of SDK versions...
toInteger() versionName flutterVersionName } minSdkVersion版本改为20change minsdk from 16 to 20 defaultConfig { // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( minSdkVersion 16 // change it to 20 }...
uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 19 declared in library Normal instructions will say to upgrade it in android/app/build.gradle but in modules this is autogenerated and in gitignore. This would alienate 0.4% of users maximum it looks like. I think in the real world...
Stack overflow answer states that after a certain version this is the right way to change this property: answer) Also when a new project is created the build.gradle file contains fl...
2.在AndroidManifest中添加权限以及provider(可以点击AS中的File-->Open-->选中你的项目下的android-->点击OK-->选择 New Window,在新打开的AS界面中编写Android原生的代码,如下图) (1)添加如下权限 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> ...
Dart sdk: ">=2.12.0-0 .0.0" Flutter: ">=1.22.2" Android: minSdkVersion 17 and add support for androidx (see AndroidX Migration to migrate an existing app) iOS: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 12 IMPORTANT Note for Android and iOS If you're running an application and need...
降低minSdkVersion 版本到 16; runApplication 支持指定 JS 所在的 package; 修复_reload 方法中调用 context 报错问题。 3.0.0 更新时间:2022.11.17 修复class 构造函数解析异常; Fair 兼容 Web 端; bindmap 逻辑优化。 2.8.1 更新时间:2022.11.01 修复bug:CustomScrollView 引用外部函数构建 builder 报错。 2.8...
didChangeDependencies 在之前介绍StatefulWidget时,我们提到State对象有一个didChangeDependencies回调,它会在“依赖”发生变化时被Flutter Framework调用。而这个“依赖”指的就是子widget是否使用了父widget中InheritedWidget的数据!如果使用了,则代表子widget依赖有依赖InheritedWidget;如果没有使用则代表没有依赖。这种机制可以...
{ return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.O || activity.packageManager.canRequestPackageInstalls() } //检测是否有安装权限 private fun RequestPackageInstalls(activity: Activity, result: MethodChannel.Result) { //注意这个是8.0新API val packageURI: Uri = Uri.parse("package:$package...