一、main.dart 对全局导航栏状态栏的设置 classMyAppextendsApp{finalCustomRouteObserver<PageRoute>routeObserver=CustomRouteObserver<PageRoute>();MyApp({Key?key}):super(key:key);@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContext context){returnCustomGetMaterialApp(enableLog:false,darkTheme:appThemeData,debugShowCheckedModeBan...
Enable TapRegion to detect all mouse button click by @anidotnet in #136799 Removed deprecated NavigatorState.focusScopeNode by @Piinks in #139260 Roll dependencies by @Hixie in #139606 Reset deprecation period for setPubRootDirectories by @Piinks in #139592 [Android] Bump template & integration...
When sliding the Flutter interface back to the previous interface in iOS 18.2, if you quickly click the button on the previous interface, there will be a problem where the button cannot respond. #160417 commented on Dec 30, 2024 • 0 new comments [google_maps_flutter] iOS infoWindow is...
MainActivity 页面点击到 Flutter 页面,加载 OnePage 页面: 代码语言:javascript 复制 classMainActivity:AppCompatActivity(){override funonCreate(savedInstanceState:Bundle?){super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)button.setOnClickListener{startActivity(FlutterActivity.withNewEngine...
ValueListenableBuilder(valueListenable:_notifier,builder:(context,value,widget){returnText('Click with ValueListenableBuilder $value');},),SizedBox(height:20),Text('Click without setState $_counter'),SizedBox(height:20),RaisedButton(onPressed:(){_incrementCounter();},child:Text('Click me'),),]...
当订阅路由监听器后,MinePage跳转到其他页面时会调用didPushNext,此时通知Native代码隐藏TabBar,当其他页面跳转回MinePage时,此时通知Native代码显示TabBar。 iOS端实现详见 FlutterEngineGroup 工程中 iOS 部分的配置代码 中的5、实现隐藏/显示TabBar 4、数据存储 用到三方 shared_preferences 定义一个全局文件 global....
HarmonyOS还有非常多和Flutter不同的地方,并且有意思的地方,更多的信息可以登录HarmonyOS的官方网站查看详情。而通过这篇文章,我相信Flutter开发人员能够非常有信心的杀入到HarmonyOS开发的蓝海市场里去了。 harmonyosharmonyos-next 赞2收藏 分享 阅读4.1k更新于5 月 9 日 geeeeek 6声望0粉丝 引用和评论...
The easiest way to enable the PerformanceOverlay widget is from the Flutter inspector, which is available in the Inspector view in DevTools. Simply click the Performance Overlay button to toggle the overlay on your running app. 启用PerformanceOverlay widget的最简单方法是通过 Flutter inspector,它位于...
Select the device you intend to deploy to in the device drop-down menu next to the run button. Select the Runner project in the left navigation panel. In the Runner target settings page, make sure your Development Team is selected under Signing & Capabilities > Team. When you select a tea...
Click the + button (or the Create a key button) to create a new key. Provide a suitable Key Name value, then check the Apple Push Notifications service (APNS) option, and then click Continue, followed by Register on the next screen. Click Download and then move the p8 file ...