At first when I use the command"flutter create .", the command line shows the problems following,and I can't find the "Web" file in the my project root files. What happened? Recreating project ... Wrote 3 files. All done! And then when I use the command"flutter build web", the c...
environment:sdk:'>=2.2.0 <3.0.0'dependencies:flutter_web:anyflutter_web_ui:anydev_dependencies:# Enables the`pub run build_runner`commandbuild_runner:^1.4.0# Includes the JavaScript compilersbuild_web_compilers:^2.0.0# flutter_web packages are not published to # These overri...
flutter build web 命令执行成功之后,编译生成的文件被输出到了工程根目录/build/web/目录下,如下: 4.上传Web工程到服务器 通过文件传输工具(例如FileZilla等)将编译后生成的所有文件上传到服务器。我上传到服务器的路径为home/ubuntu/docker/xy_flutter/web/,home/ubuntu/docker/xy_flutter/web/目录和工程编译出来...
通过flutter tools源码的调试,总结了flutter build执行主要步骤如下: flutter命令执行shell脚本,调用flutter tools flutter tools 编译版在 bin/cache下面,这个是首次flutter调用即时编译的执行版本。 flutter tools调用bin/cache/dart-sdk下面的dart sdk 相关程序:frontend_server.dart.snapshot 等...
Running flutter build web --flavor strawberry will result in the tool exiting with this message: Could not find an option named "flavor". Run 'flutter -h' (or 'flutter <command> -h') for available flutter commands and options. However, one can run flutter run -d chrome --flavor ...
自从谷歌I/O2019发布Flutter web版本之后,有好多开发者尝试搭建环境,我也不例外,先前在公司电脑上搭建过一次,只是没有总结出教程,趁着周末在家无聊,再次在家里电脑搭建环境,由于官方文档中推荐是Visual Studio Code创建的项目,所以我就顺便研究了完全用命令行创建web项目。
7.直接查看build/app/outputs/apk/flutter-apk文件夹下的apk文件,若无则可以选择idea的build -> Flutter -> Build APK 区分32位跟64位处理器在项目,v7a是32位(目前主流android机) 1 2 3 Enter cd [project] Run flutter build apk --split-per-abi (The flutter build command defaults to --release. ...
A tool to develop Dart web projects. Usage: webdev <command> [arguments] Global options: -h, --help Print this usage information. --version Prints the version of webdev. Available commands: build Run builders to build a package.
?Android SDK is missing command line tools; download from Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK, visit https: 注意:一旦安装了任何缺失的依赖,需要再次运行flutter doctor命令来验证是否已经正确地设置了,同时需要检查移动设备是否连接正常。