flutter build apk //默认打包release包或者flutter build --release 打包的过程很快就完成了,会提示release包的路径,adb命令即可安装 当然也可以直接在<app dir>先执行flutter install安装到电脑连接的手机上! 总体过程并不是很难,主要就是生成key文件,配置Gradle;我个人还是倾向于希望Android Studio修复Bug,可以通过点...
主要原因是我们在安卓原生项目中配置了flavorDimensions "buildType" 导致调试时候找不到对应构建的 apk 包,类似这种 productFlavors { app_dev { dimension "buildType" } app_test { dimension "buildType" } app_prod { dimension "buildType" } ... } 这时候我们需要 在项目 .vscode 打开launch.json {"na...
You are building a fatAPKthat includes binariesforandroid-arm,android-arm64,android-x64.If you are deploying the app to the Play Store,it's recommended to use app bundles or split theAPKto reduce theAPKsize.To generate an app bundle,run:flutter build appbundle--target-platform android-arm,...
1. 问题现象 项目构建成功,运行的时候出现Gradle build failed to produce an .apk file. It's likely that this file was... 2. 原因分析 运行项目没有选择好项目当中支持发flavor,导致没方法构建出相应flavor的apk 3. 解决方法 先查看项目有哪些flavor,比如截图当中的就有个development分类...
根目录build.gradle app/build.gradle FlutterPlugin 本篇主要讲解一个flutter工程是如何编译打包成一个apk的。 注意:这里我们是一个空的flutter项目,然后引入了一个webview-flutter的plugin来模拟一个plugin是如何一起打进去的。 flutter版本:2.4.0-5.0.pre.145 settings.gradle 因为最终产物是apk,所以其实总体上走的...
Flavor和入口文件配置完成后,我们可以尝试打包了,打包方式如下:flutter build apk --[debug/release] --flavor [flavor] -t [entrance]参数说明:[debug/release]:指定debug或release,[flavor]:指定Flavor,[entrance]:指定入口文件名称。所以三个Flavor,总共六个包的打包令分别为: ...
在终端中运行flutter build apk命令,这将会生成一个APK文件。 完成构建后,运行flutter install命令,将APK文件安装到连接的Android设备上。 以上步骤将会将你的Flutter应用程序安装到Android设备上。安装完成后,你可以在设备上找到并打开该应用程序。 推荐的腾讯云相关产品:腾讯云移动应用托管(Mobile Application Hosting,MAH...
To generate an app bundle, run: flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64 Learn more on: https://developer.android.com/guide/app-bundle To split the APKs per ABI, run: flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64 --split-per-abi ...
Flutter Build apk 错误(一) FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':shared_preferences:verifyReleaseResources'. > A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.Workers$ActionFacade...
Steps to Reproduce Build an APK or bundle on latest master commit, install on any device and the app will crash before it starts. Running debug version doesn't crash, and running via flutter run --release doesn't crash either. Logs flutt...