BlocBuilder负责根据新状态下的响应来构建窗口小部件。BlockBuilder与streamBuilder相似,但由于其简单的API,因此所需的代码量更少。例: BlocBuilder( bloc: BlocA(), builder: (context, state) { //根据BlocA的状态返回小部件 }) 1. webview_flutter 可在iOS和Android上提供Webview小部件。WKWwebview在iOS上支...
templeblock / flutter tensafefrogs / flutter teriyakijack / flutter the-dagger / flutter theankurkedia / flutter theDisco / flutter Thefatmaninthenextroom / flutter TheOpenDevProject / flutter thoth-nexlesoft / flutter thuytrinh / flutter ...
但是一般可能会有人会报错 Add `flutter_post_install(installer)` to your Podfile `post_install` block to build Flutter plugins: post_install do |installer| flutter_post_install(installer) end [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: Missing `flutter_post_install(installer)` in Podfile `post_install` block....
On site when I login using my Google account, I have access to admin functions of the package and in fact after getting an error I've created a verified publisher, and transferred the package to it, hoping it would solve the problem. But this leads to another problem.Now even ...
methodChannelWithName:@"flutter_plugin_test"binaryMessenger:[registrar messenger]];//两种回调方式://1.代理本质:内部调用channel 的Block执行代理函数FlutterPluginTestPlugin*instance=[[FlutterPluginTestPlugin alloc]init];[registrar addMethodCallDelegate:instance channel:channel];// //2.// channel setMethodCa...
pub. dev Android Configuration: Change the minimum Android SDK version to 21 (or higher) in yourandroid/app/build.gradlefile. minSdkVersion 21 Inandroid/app/build.gradle, add the following setting inandroidblock. aaptOptions { noCompress 'tflite' ...
Pub: Usage See theexampledirectory for a minimal example of how to use FlutterQuill. You typically just need to instantiate a controller: QuillController _controller = QuillController.basic(); and then embed the toolbar and the editor, within your app. Fo...
pub地址: 滑动卡 滑动卡是一种深度可调的Flutter包,可帮助您制作具有滑动动画效果的令人愉悦的卡。用户可以轻松地将任何内容添加到卡中以使用Flutter应用程序。 该演示视频展示了如何在Flutter中创建滑动卡。它显示了如何在flutter应用程序中使用「slide_card」软件包来使用滑动卡...
具体可以参考 3 Error on line 45, column 4 of pubspec.yaml: Expected a key while parsing a block mapping assets: ^ assets前面多了一个空格,删除就好了 4 More than one device connected; please specify a device with the '-d <deviceId>' flag, or use '-...
Execute flutter pub get inside build_tool from cargokit on integrate and on create #1614 (thanks @MateusHBR) 2.0.0-dev.14 Please refer to for what's changed in V2. Fix compilation error when using custom error ...