输出的信息可能会影响应用程序性能:在某些情况下,输出的信息可能会大量占用应用程序的资源,影响应用程序的性能。 因此,Flutter 推荐使用专门的日志记录库,如logger或flutter_bloc中的BlocObserver,以便在应用程序中输出可靠、易于区分和可控制的日志。这些库允许您定义输出的日志级别、输出到不同的目标(如控制台或文件)以...
if (hasError) { return ErrorWidget('出现错误,请重试。'); } 如果需要处理错误,可以将 ErrorWidget 嵌套在其他 Widget 中,并添加一个回调函数来处理错误。 代码语言:dart 复制 class ErrorHandlingWidget extends StatelessWidget { final Widget child; final Function onRetry; ErrorHandlingWidget({ required...
因此,Flutter 推荐使用专门的日志记录库,如 logger 或flutter_bloc 中的BlocObserver,以便在应用程序中输出可靠、易于区分和可控制的日志。这些库允许您定义输出的日志级别、输出到不同的目标(如控制台或文件)以及格式化日志消息等。例如,使用 logger 库,您可以按以下方式输出日志消息: ...
Lecture 14 Using External Dart Packages from Pub Section 15: Error Handling in Dart Lecture 15 Error Handling in Dart Section 16: Building a Weather App in Dart using External Packages Lecture 16 Building a Weather App in Dart using External Packages Section 17: How to Install Flutter on Windo...
When you're deep into deep link error handling, there are a few types of errors you need to keep in mind. At the Path Definition Level You can define accepted paths in the AndroidManifest.xml file (for Android) and the apple-app-site-association file (for iOS). If a user tries a ...
error in starting a app in debug mode.#139440 Closed 2 tasks stoppiNeobiz Dec 11, 2023 • edited hi@eliasyishak, i confirm that is bloc, this is my very simple app: main: import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart'; import '...
Started to get the following error after upgrading from Amplify Flutter 1.6 to 2.3: flutter: ERROR | WebSocketBloc | Shutting down with exception: NetworkException { "message": "Exception from WebSocketService.", "underlyingException": "type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type ...
mixin ErrorHandlingMixin<PageextendsBasePage>on BaseState<Page>{@overridevoidinitState(){super.initState();widget.bloc.errorStream.listen((error)=>showErrorSnackbar(error,scaffoldKey.currentState));}voidshowErrorSnackbar(String event,ScaffoldState context){print('scaffoldKey ${scaffoldKey.currentWidget}...
Flutter unimplemented handling of missing static target flutter-error Flutter Web Navigation Bar Tutorial Using Inkwell flutter Responsive UI flutt Futter Custom Clipper Quadratic Bezier Curve Flutter Custom Widget Flutter Cu Get Request Flutter Http Flutter Tutorial Http Request JSON Laravel API Call How...
在尝试将事件添加到在出现此错误之前创建的SomeBloc时: === Exception caught by gesture === The following StateError was thrown while handling a gesture: Bad state: Tried to read a provider that threw during the creation of its value. T 浏览14提问于2021-07-10得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 ...