Column 小部件允许您垂直排列小部件列表,类似于 Row 小部件水平对齐它们的方式。Column( children: const <Widget>[ Text('Deliver features faster'), Text('Craft beautiful UIs'), Expanded( child: FittedBox( fit: BoxFit.contain, child: FlutterLogo(), ), ), ], )...
Flutter Alert Dialog with enable/disable of actions based on textformfield validators #38772 commented on Dec 16, 2024 • 0 new comments [Proposal] Add an Api for RemoveUntil Route without an overhead to dispose intermediate routes #160040 commented on Dec 16, 2024 • 0 new comments...
proste_dialog 相比giffy_dialog,提供了更高的自由度和更强的可扩展性。 2021-07-23 1 rflutter_alert 用于 Flutter 的超级可定制且易于使用的警报/弹出对话框。 2021-08-03 850 material_dialogs 帮助您在应用程序中创建动画、简单、时尚的material对话框。 2022-05-23 171 flutter_beautiful_popup 美化你的应用... Flutter_beautiful_popup,美化你的应用弹出窗口,博客附件,效果请查看博客相对应项目。 上传者:qq_36040764时间:2020-07-08 RFlutterAlert是用于Flutter的超级可定制且易于使用.zip RFlutterAlert是用于Flutter的超级可定制且易于使用.zip ...
Flutter_beautiful_popup,美化你的应用弹出窗口,博客附件,效果请查看博客相对应项目。 上传者:qq_36040764时间:2020-07-08 rating_dialog:Flutter的精美且可自定义的星级评定对话框包 rating_dialog Flutter的漂亮且可自定义的“评分对话框”包! 支持flutter支持的所有平台! 导入rating_dialog包 要使用rating_dialog插件...
proste_dialog 相比giffy_dialog,提供了更高的自由度和更强的可扩展性。 2021-07-23 1 rflutter_alert 用于Flutter 的超级可定制且易于使用的警报/弹出对话框。 2021-08-03 621 material_dialogs 帮助您在应用程序中创建动画、简单、时尚的material对话框。 2021-09-05 82 flutter_beautiful_popup 美化你的应用弹...
Beautiful pop up card with app bar and gutter designed for flutter 29 March 2022 Popup Baloon Overlay: A responsive popup component built using flutter Baloon Overlay: A responsive popup component built using flutter 10 March 2022 Popup Custom Position Popup For Flutter Custom Position ...
After making the onboarding screen, we'll shift our focus to defining a global theme for our application. We'll use a beautiful font, and a set of colors for our app's widgets like the app bar, button, and so on. How to Create Custom Widgets: App Bar, Drawer, and Bottom Navigation...
Flutter is one of the fastest ways to build truly cross-platform native applications. It provides features allowing the developer to build a truly beautiful UI experience for their users. However, most times to achieve things like navigating to screens, state management, and show alerts, a lot ...
Loading widget based on a Flare animation, allow you to create beautiful custom loading widgets or dialogs flare_splash_screen Facilitator for having a Splash Screen with a Flare animation flutter_bugly 腾讯Bugly flutter应用更新统计及异常上报插件,支持Android、iOS ...