Added PrintJobController to manage print jobs Added WebAuthenticationSession for iOS Added FindInteractionController for Android and iOS Added pauseAllMediaPlayback, setAllMediaPlaybackSuspended, closeAllMediaPresentations, requestMediaPlaybackState, isInFullscreen, getCameraCaptureState, setCameraCaptureState,...
[ //设置pull_to_refresh库多语言 RefreshLocalizations.delegate, GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegate, GlobalWidgetsLocalizations.delegate, GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate, ], theme: ThemeData( // scaffoldBackgroundColor: Color(0xffF2F4F9), // 这里设置你想要的颜色 ), supportedLocales: [ const ...
/// The [semanticsLabel] is used to specify an accessibility label for this widget. /// If it is null, it will be defaulted to [MaterialLocalizations.refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel]. /// An empty string may be passed to avoid having anything read by screen reading software. /// The [seman...
Get.toNamed('/details'); 要关闭snackbars, dialogs, bottomsheets或任何你通常会用Navigator.pop(context)关闭的东西。 Get.back(); 进入下一个页面,但没有返回上一个页面的选项(用于闪屏页,登录页面等)。; 进入下一个页面并取消之前的所有路由(在购物车、投票和测试中很有用)...
You can see at the bottom of the screen the estimates of how many endpoints are eligible to receive the push notification campaign based on the audience and criteria you have selected. Then, click on “Create segment”. Go back to the first tab with the journey information, and then click...
Bottom inset animation is janky and out of sync when opening the keyboard. cc: @cyanglaz - flutter/engine#39172 (comment) Tested on latest stable and master 3.8.0-5.0.pre.1, iphone 13 pro, ios 16.1.1 Steps to Reproduce Please run this ex...
and screen notch. Additionally, the position of the subwidgets contained in theDisplayFeatureSubScreenwidget now does not overlap the bounds ofDisplayFeatureand has been used for the frame's default dialogs and popups, making Flutter dynamically adapt to the positions of these elements by default....
allows us to refresh the screen is called a Stateful widget. This widget does not have a build() method. It has createState() method, which returns a class that extends the Flutters State Class. The examples of the Stateful widget are Checkbox, Radio, Slider, InkWell, Form, and Text...