当你在尝试运行Flutter应用程序到iOS设备或模拟器时遇到“flutter application not configured for ios”的错误,这通常意味着你的开发环境或项目配置中存在一些问题。下面是一些解决这个问题的步骤,你可以按照这些步骤来逐一排查和修复: 1. 检查Flutter环境 首先,确保你的Flutter环境已经正确安装并配置。你可以在终端中运行...
在flutter build iOS的时候,项目会提示Application not configured for iOS,这是因为创建的时候并非以iOS程序的方式创建,因此无法直接编译,费话不多说,直接写解决方案。 1,生成一个空的过程 flutter create . 2,如果是混编在yaml文件加入 module:androidX:trueandroidPackage:com.myflutterXXX iosBundleIdentifier:com....
Application not configured for iOS Could you confirm the project supported iOS target platform before the error occurred? Please share the output offlutter config --list. Before the error occurred, iOS, Android, and web were enabled. Web doesn't show up below for some reason. The CLI command...
xcode清除缓存,重启,然后在flutter项目目录下执行 flutter clean 命令,重启,重新运行。 如下图:
修改原生Podfile文件里的Platform的版本号 和 flutter中iOS下Flutter.podspec文件中的ios.deployment_target 版本号一致! flutter_application_path = '../flutter_module' load File.join(flutter_application_path,'.iOS','Flutter','podhelper.rb') platform :ios, '12.0'//这里的版本号!和下图中ios.deployment...
解决方法:xcode清除缓存,重启,然后在flutter项目目录下执行 flutter clean 命令,重启,重新运行。如下...
flutter 中dio低版本没有拿iOS的网络权限 混合开发简介 使用Flutter从零开始开发App是一件轻松惬意的事情,但对于某些成熟的产品而言,完全替代弃用App的历史沉淀,全面转向Flutter是不现实的。 因此使用Flutter去统一Android,iOS技术栈,把它作为现有原生App的扩展能力,通过有序推进来提升移动终端的开发效率。 结果,想要在...
关于Flutter IOS build It appears that your application still contains the default signing identifier. 看意思是identifier没配置,不过配置了也是有时候可以有时候不行,很奇怪
I think /proc/cpuinfo is different depending whether it is dumped from an ARM application or not. AFAIK emulation layer intercepts a /proc/cpuinfo access and substitutes it for ARM-ish one. @kangwang1988 if you have an actual device can you run (as a Flutter application) something like thi...
Vision is container and service tracking application designed by the Rehrig Pacific Company. This app can be downloaded by Vision subscribers to various mobile devices including tablets and cell phones for the purpose of completing work orders in Vision. After logging in, users can access work order...