eval(File.read(File.join(flutter_application_path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'podhelper.rb')), binding) 打开Xcode关闭bitcode配置Build Settings->Build Options->Enable Bitcode 添加编译脚本,打开Xcode在 Build Phases中添加New Run Script Phase在里面填入如下脚本 "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xc...
eval(File.read(File.join(flutter_application_path,'.ios','Flutter','podhelper.rb')), binding) 打开Xcode关闭bitcode配置Build Settings->Build Options->Enable Bitcode 添加编译脚本,打开Xcode在 Build Phases中添加New Run Phase在里面填入如下脚本 "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend....
重启Android Studio后插件生效 4.3.2 Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 安装 安装VS Code 安装1.20.1或更高版本 安装Flutter插件 启动VS Code 调用View>Command Palette… 输入‘install’, 然后选择 Extensions: Install Extension action 在搜索框输入 flutter , 在搜索结果列表中选择 ‘Flutter’, 然后点击 Install ...
4.VSCode地址:https://code.visualstudio.com 编译器中文化(默认是英文):打开软件后->点击左面的拓展图标->在搜索框输入chinese->点击Install下载->重启VSCode 5.XCode:可在App Store搜索后下载 下载好后进行安装 1.jdk:直接安装即可,安装后进入终端输入 java -version,如果出现版本号java version "1.8.0_181"...
Your module code is in flutter_module/lib/main.dart. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 创建成功后我们可以看一下目录结构 ➜ flutter_module git:(master) ✗ tree -L 2 -a . ├── .android │ ├── Flutter │ ├── app ...
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; void main() { ...
source ~/.zshrc(如安装zsh插件) 1.4 开发工具 1. Xcode + Android Studio(推荐) 2. Visual Studio Code 以Xcode + Android Studio为例,配置Android Studio插件: 1.4.1 安装 Flutter,Dart插件 Android Studio - Preferences - Plugins - Marketplace
1.Download the source code and install dependencies: # Clone the code gitclone https://github.com/TencentCloud/chat-demo-flutter.git # Checkout the 'v2' branch gitcheckout v2 # Clean the project. Important flutter clean ...
Flutter’s hot reload feature helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs. Hot reload works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). After the VM updates classes with the new versions of fields and functions, the ...