This shows up in terminal whenever i hit flutter build apk --release and flutter build apk. w: Runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version. These files were found in the classpath: C:/Users/HP-840 G4/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - flutter app not installing in release mode in Samsung S22 · flutter/flutter@4d8b26e
runApp(MyAppDevelopment()); } } 在上面的示例中,当应用在生产环境下编译时(即以release模式编译),kReleaseMode会被设置为true。如果是在debug模式下编译,那么kDebugMode会被设置为true。 请注意,kProfileMode是用于性能分析时的特殊编译模式,通常你不会在代码逻辑中用到它。 2.使用不同的main入口 在实际项目...
ohos_release_arm64 2、鸿蒙签名配置 a): 下载鸿蒙签名工具: bash 复制代码git clone b):设置环境变量 ruby复制代码# Harmony sign tool export SIGN_TOOL_HOME=/Users/xxx/ohos/tools/developtools_hapsigner/autosign c): 增加 **profile_tmp_temp...
(exceptionName:'PlatformDispatcher.onError - ${error.toString()}',reason:stack.toString());returntrue;};}2runApp的异常也上报runZonedGuarded((){runApp(MyApp()));},(error,stackTrace){if(kReleaseMode){FlutterBuglyPlugin.reportException(exceptionName:'${error.toString()}',reason:stackTrace....
lib/main.dart","args":["--dart-define=API_KEY=you key"]},{"name":"flutter_application_gemini (profile mode)","request":"launch","type":"dart","flutterMode":"profile"},{"name":"flutter_application_gemini (release mode)","request":"launch","type":"dart","flutterMode":"release"}...
In the above code snippet, jwtToken refers to the token that is passed from your app. Read more on how to generate jwttoken callback will be called after userFetch is executed. isSuccess will indicate whether the user authentication was successful or not. (ii) Logging out users: ...
Make Dart constructor calls pop out in light mode (#3327) 34.0 Update build for Android Studio 3.3.2 and IntelliJ 2019.1 (#3321) Fix issue preventing plugin from working in AS Canary 8 (#3321) Provides a better display if the variable has atoStringDeep()method defined. (#3291) ...
running in "interpreted" mode on the Dart virtual machine, which allows that joyful, hot reload experience, and; compiled mode, which compiles your app down to native machine code when you're ready to release your app. Given these features, Dart is uniquely suited to provide developers with...