Animated version of PhysicalModel. AnimatedPositioned Animated version of Positioned which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given position changes. AnimatedSize Animated widget that automatically transitions its size over a given duration whenever the given child...
Text("Hello").animate().fadeIn( 基准时间=800ms.slide() 动画列表 AnimateList 类提供了类似的功能,用于小部件列表,可以通过指定的 interval 对每个子项的动画进行偏移: Column(children:AnimateList(,effects:[FadeEffect(],children:...
animated_bottom_navigation_bar 绚丽的动画底部导航栏。 2024-01-31 1140 bottom_bar_with_sheet 底部导航栏,该底部栏将在每个页面上放置BottomSheet小部件。 2022-05-02 553 flutter_speed_dial 可展开选项的浮动按钮。 2023-05-23 1174 bottom_navy_bar 精美而生动的底部导航。 2021-03-28 1250 convex_bottom...
animated_reorderable_list 实现简单、过渡流畅的 Flutter 可重新排序动画列表 2024-08-09 80 flutter_custom_carousel 创建完全自定义、动画滚动列表的小部件。它管理所有棘手的滚动逻 2024-04-17 278 indexed_list_view 可以通过索引以编程方式立即跳转到任何项目 2024-01-24 195 scrollview_observer 用于观察与 Scrol...
Custom Animated Slider with Flutter Custom Animated Slider with Flutter. 27 February 2024 Calendar A Flutter Calendar Slider widget with a lot of customization A Flutter Calendar Slider widget with a lot of customization. 02 February 2024 Slider A Flutter package for slide transition like...
Stepper Touch [127⭐] - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by Raouf Rahiche. Typeahead [236⭐] - Display overlay suggestions to users as they type by Abdul Rahman Al Hamali. Snaplist [193⭐] - Create snappable list views by David Leibovych. ...
sticky_and_expandable_list 构建分组列表,支持展开/折叠部分和粘性标题,支持将其与 sliver 小部件一起使用。 2022-07-25 117 animated_image_list Flutter 动画图像列表,具有视差效果和图像灯箱。 2021-05-30 69 inview_notifier_list 构建列表视图并在小部件出现在屏幕上时发出通知。 2021-12-28 322 alphabet_...
【摘要】 本文以表描述形式收录了Flutter中提供的各个类,旨在方便地进行查询相关组件。 Flutter 类功能索引(全) 本文以表描述形式收录了Flutter中提供的各个类,旨在方便地进行查询相关组件。 本文地址: ...
创建一个TodoList组件来显示待办事项列表。 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'todo.dart'; import 'todo_list_provider.dart'; class TodoList extends StatelessWidget { final TodoListProvider _todoListProvider; TodoList({required this._todoListProvider}); ...
Sequence Animation [215⭐] - Composite staggered animations by Norbert Kozsir.SpinKit [1094⭐] - Animated loading indicators by Jeremiah Ogbomo.Villains [229⭐] - Page transition animations by Norbert Kozsir.AnimatedTextKit [419⭐] - A collection of cool text animations by Ayush Agarwal....