在终端使用flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm64 --split-per-abi进行打包,任务执行完成后,会在build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-arm64-v8a-release.apk下生成 apk 文件。 这里根据需要编译平台,我这边只需要arm64下的apk,所以中添加android-arm64配置。 记得更新pubspec.yaml中的version字段。vers...
Version Change History Android App Development Development Process Getting Started Preparing the Development Environment Configuring App Information in AppGallery Connect Installing the Huawei Analytics NuGet package Integrating the HMS Core SDK Setting Package Information in Xamarin Configuration Fil...
1、Invalid module name: 'XXX' - must be a valid Dart package name (lower_case_with_underscores). 原因:创建 flutter 项目的根目录不能有大写。 例:新创建的 Flutter 项目名称为 androidFlutter01 时会出现以上错误,当把名称改为 androidflutter01 时则可以。 2、setState 方法原理 流程 1、mounted 条件...
In the docs, it states: The "Android package name" must match your local project's package name that was created when you started the Flutter project. The current package name can be found in the manifest tag within the project's /androi...
I tried to add web support to an existing mobile app. The name of the app in the pubspec.yaml is a valid package name. However, the directory that contains the package (which is derived from a git repository name) contains a dash "-" in ...
以Xcode + Android Studio为例,配置Android Studio插件: 1.4.1 安装 Flutter,Dart插件 Android Studio - Preferences - Plugins - Marketplace 1.4.2 安装最新 Android SDK Command Android Studio - Preferences - SystemSettings - Android SDK - SDK Tools - 勾选Android SDK Command-line Tools ...
1、Android打包 I'm Android 在Android的打包上,笔者基本没有遇到什么问题,在android/app/build.grade文件下,配置applicationId、versionCode、versionName和签名信息,最后通过flutter build app即可完成编译。编程成功的包在build/app/outputs/apk/release下。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" /> <!-- 访问网络状态, 检测网络的可用性. 需要网络运营商相关信息用于网络定位 --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <!-- 访问网络的变化, 需要某些信息用于网络定位 --> ...