在Flutter中,ListView默认会显示一个滚动条ScrollBar,如果想要删除这个默认的滚动条,可以通过修改ListView的属性来实现。 一种方法是使用Scrollbar.none属性,...
从下面可以看出Scrollbar是一个StatefulWidget,通过_ScrollbarState状态类构建组件。 下面是_ScrollbarState的全部代码,通过如果是iOS平台,则构建CupertinoScrollbar,否则构建_MaterialScrollbar。 这是_ScrollbarState的全部源码,不过我从这里看不出 Scrollbar 是 StatefulWidget 的必要性。不知你有什么见解。 2. 滑动事件...
Flutter 带有一个内置的 Scrollbar 小部件,该小部件已经根据当前平台支持自适应颜色和大小。您可能想要进行的一项调整是在桌面平台上切换 alwaysShown : content_copy return Scrollbar( controller: controller, isAlwaysShown: DeviceType.isDesktop, child: ListView(controller: controller, ...), ); 这种对细节的...
Hey@theacodesIt looks like the Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown feature reached stable inversion 1.17.Does this feature meet the need you described above? I have tried this on Mac, Web, and mobile, and I think it achieves the effect you described. ...
Using Scrollbar Widget Below is the constructor of Scrollbar. const Scrollbar({ Key? key, required Widget child, ScrollController? controller, bool? isAlwaysShown, bool? showTrackOnHover, double? hoverThickness, double? thickness, Radius? radius, ScrollNotificationPredicate? notificationPredicate, })...
In standard websites, when the content is bigger than the display area, scrollbars are displayed, and stay always displayed. There is already a feature request for having always displayed scrollbars (#28836). The subject of this feature request is that the scrollbar must be draggable using ...
child: Scrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: _gridScrollController, child: GridView.builder( controller: _gridScrollController, itemCount: widget.dataToShow[selected].value.length, gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent( maxCrossAxisExtent: 200.0), ...
When running on the desktop, a scroll bar will appear: If you don't like the appearance of the scroll bar, or always show the scroll bar, you can set ScrollBarTheme. If you don't like this default behavior, you can change it within the scope of the application or on a specific ins...
Creates a material design scrollbar that by default will connect to the closest Scrollable descendant of the child. Scrollbar( {Key? key, required Widget child, ScrollController? controller, bool? isAlwaysShown,bool? showTrackOnHover, double? hoverThickness,double? thickness, ...