import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart' as pw; 为了构造一个 PDF 格式,我们将通过调用 pw < widgetnme > 来调用小部件。 为了保存一个 pdf 文件,我们应该做一个。文件()。这个不常见的小部件将保存已生成 PDF 的数据,因此我们在 _ PdfScreenDemoState 中生成一个变量如何。 var pdf = pw.Document(); Lest...
import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart' as pw; 为了构造一个 PDF 格式,我们将通过调用 pw < widgetnme > 来调用小部件。 为了保存一个 pdf 文件,我们应该做一个。文件()。这个不常见的小部件将保存已生成 PDF 的数据,因此我们在 \_ PdfScreenDemoState 中生成一个变量如何。 var pdf = pw.Document(); Lest...
FlutterPDF Viewer EXPLORE OTHER WIDGETS VIEW DEMOS BUY NOW Overview The Flutter PDF Viewer widget lets you view PDF documents seamlessly and efficiently on Android, iOS, web, Windows, and macOS platforms. It has highly interactive and customizable features: magnification, virtual bidirectional scrolling...
Form filling- Fill, edit, flatten, save, export, and import AcroForm field data in a PDF document. Themes- Easily switch between light and dark themes. Localization- All static text within the PDF Viewer can be localized to any supported language. ...
syncfusion_flutter_charts: path: D:/flutter-widgets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_charts Step 3 Run the following command to get the required packages. $ flutter pub get Step 4 Run your application either using F5 or Run > Start Debugging. Running the available example All the packages available ...
Learn here all about Syncfusion Flutter Widgets API Documentation and their API reference links for each widget.
All our Flutter UI & DataViz Widgets GRIDS DataGrid DATA VISUALIZATION 30+ Charts Barcode Generator Maps Treemap Radial Gauge Linear Gauge Spark Charts CALENDAR Calendar Date Range Picker SLIDERS Slider Range Slider Range Selector VIEWER PDF Viewer ...
基础Widgets 1.4 Widget简介 1.4.1 ⽂本、字体样式 1.4.2 按钮 1.4.3 图⽚和Icon 1.4.4 单选框和复选框 1.4.5 输⼊框和表单 1.4.6 布局类Widgets 1.5 布局类Widgets简介 1.5.1 线性布局Row、Column 1.5.2 弹性布局Flex 1.5.3 流式布局Wrap、Flow 1.5.4 层叠布局Stack、Positioned 1.5.5 容器类...
Import Widgets Library Firstly, you must add the following import: import 'package:pdf_render/pdf_render_widgets.dart'; PdfViewer PdfViewer is an extensible PDF document viewer widget which supports pinch-zoom. The following fragment is a simplest use of the widget: @override Widget build(Build...