(1)、终端执行该命令flutter doctor --android-licenses (2)、接着会出现如下图中的提示,选择y继续: Snip20221021_2.png (3)、接着又会出现好几个如下提示,反正一直选择y就可以了。 Accept? (y/N): y (4)、接着出现这个All SDK package licenses accepted提示的时候就证明已经全部接收完了许可。 Snip2022...
(10)接下来的那一步默认,然后来到License Agreement,这里需要把Licenses中的全部选项分别勾选上“Accept”,最后点击Finish按钮。 (11)接下来就是等待它自身下载完。 (12)到目前为止,Android Studio的安装配置算是大功告成。 (13)接着来到项目创建,首先在弹出的欢迎界面中,下载Flutter和Dart插件。 (14)下载好Flutt...
2.1.0-11.0.pre.145,on macOS12.0.121A559 darwin-x64,locale zh-Hans-CN)[!]Android toolchain-developforAndroiddevices(Android SDK version31.0.0)✗ Android license status unknown.Run `flutter doctor--android-licenses`toaccept the SDK licenses.See https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/mac...
这里需要Android studio 中 选择 SDK Manager 选择SDK Tools ,找到cmdline-tools 并勾选 后点击apply ,就会自行安装了。 安装完成后,再次运行flutter doctorcmdline-tools component is missing 的报错就消失了。但是会提示Android licenses not accepted. 运行flutter doctor --android-licenses来接受安卓的协议。全部 接...
磁盘空间: 400 MB (不包括Android Studio的磁盘空间). 工具: Flutter 依赖下面这些命令行工具. Git for Windows (Git命令行工具) 如果已安装Git for Windows,请确保命令提示符或PowerShell中运行 git 命令,不然在后面运行flutter doctor时将出现Unable to find git in your PATH错误, 此时需要手动添加C:\Program...
打开AndroidStudio点击SDK 管理 选中SDK Tools -> Command-line tootls 安装 cmdline-tools flutter doctor,看到这个错误已经没有了 第二个问题, Android license status unknown. Run `flutter doctor --android-licenses` to accept the SDK licenses.
2.3. ! Some Android licenses not accepted 解决办法: Open your terminal typeflutter doctor --android-licenses pressyto accept every license. 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48604914/flutter-run-error-you-have-not-accepted-the-license-agreements ...
When I run C:\flutter\bin>flutter doctor --android-licenses I get 6 of 7 SDK package licenses not accepted. 100% Computing updates... Review licenses that have not been accepted (y/N)? C:\flutter\bin> There is no option to accept the other licenses ...
Steps to Reproduce When I run flutter build apk and flutter run I get Error running Gradle: Unable to download needed Android SDK components, as the following licenses have not been accepted: Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2, Android SDK P...
2 How to fix when run "flutter doctor --android-licenses"? 0 How to fix "flutter doctor --android-licenses" java error? Without android studio 1 Exception occured when run flutter doctor --android-licenses 2 Flutter: Some Android licenses not accepted. Cannot accept licenses...