flushleft 环境是一个左对齐的只有一项的 trivlist 列表环境,与上下文有额外间距。意义不同。也就是说...
对应的环境是 center 环境。用 \flushleft 和 \flushright 来实现文字的左对齐和右对齐,是一个历史遗...
The answer to the question is \bibliographystyle{apacite} \begin{FlushLeft} \setlength{\bibindent}{0pt} \bibliography{bib}{} \end{FlushLeft} If I use \setlength{\bibleftmargin}{0pt} then the left margin on first line of each of the references is made zero and it looks like When...
But the problem is in \flushleft: % latex.ltx, line 3972: \def\flushleft{\trivlist \raggedright\item\relax} The \raggedright declaration is not surrounded by a group, so even upon finding \endflushleft it continues forever. But \end{flushleft} also provides an \endgroup token...
I have an article document and I use \flushleft after equations to have the next line start on the left. It seems to then do that for all new lines after the command though, which is not what I want. Is there a command to just flush left the next line? Or any other way to circu...
\end {flushleft}\relax }}{5} % You should say `\leaders '. I found the , but there's no suitable , so I'm ignoring these leaders. [9 2)LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. I have many figures and after I do that for the first figure, it fails to work...
-\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{some bold and colored text}}, which did not work in the flushleft. -I also tried \color{blue}inside and outside flushleft -finally i tried \leavevmode\color{red} text I believe the pertinent section is the following: \documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} \...
I'm using \docummentclass{amsart}and when using \section it prints it out in the center of the line how to make it on left I used \begin{flushleft} \section \end{flushlef} but it didn't work. sectioning horizontal-alignment amsart Share Improve this question Follow edited May 14,...
How do I use the \begin{flushleft} \end{flushleft} commands to cause the content of a \begin{eqnarray*} \end{eqnarray*} to start from the left margin in the .pdf output document, instead of (what it seems to me) its default setting of being centered? equations Share Improve this qu...
You shouldn't use \flushleft: this macro exists only to make \begin{flushleft} work. You might be able to solve your problem with \begin{FlushLeft} \bibliography{mybibfile} \end{Flushleft} that will make less likely that the final box in the entries produces the bad ...