Response对象之Flush方法,立即发送缓冲区中的输出。如果未将 Response.Buffer设置为TRUE,则该方法将导致运行时错误。语法:Response.Flush;注释:如果在ASP页上调用Flush方法,则服务器将响应该页上保持活动的请求。out.flush()out是PrintWriter的实例 public void flush()Flush the stream response.flushBu...
response.flushBuffer(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /*上面的两种flush,只要加上下面一句close,之后的东西都打印不出来了。但也不报错。*/ // pw.close(); pw.println("Mark-to-win Finished"); } } 浏览器里面的输出结果是:(一共打印...
// pw.flush(); response.flushBuffer(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /*上面的两种flush,只要加上下面一句close,之后的东西都打印不出来了。但也不报错。*/ // pw.close(); pw.println("Mark-to-win Finished"); } } 浏览器里面的输出...
{// Flush in case there's dataif(pFile)FlushBuffer();// Get rid of bufferif(pBuffer) OVR_FREE(pBuffer); } 开发者ID:ArthurTorrente,项目名称:4A_Anim_Numerique_Genetic_Algorithm,代码行数:10,代码来源:OVR_File.cpp 示例8: FlushBuffer ▲点赞 1▼ voidCObjectOStream::DefaultFlush(void) {if(...
According to the swap interval context attribute (see NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval), the copy may take place during the vertical retrace of the monitor, rather than immediately after flushBuffer is called. An implicit glFlush is done by flushBuffer before it returns. For optimal performance, an applicatio...
out是PrintWriter的实例 public void flush() Flush the stream. response.flushBuffer(); response是HttpServletResponse的实例 public void flushBuffer() throws Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client. A call to this method automatically commits the response, meani...
SpecifiesTRUEif the NIC driver calls this function to flush a buffer before making a transfer from host memory to the NIC. If the NIC driver specifiesFALSE, it must ensure the buffer begins and ends on a cache-line boundary. Return value ...
The driver flushes such a buffer when data that it shares with its NIC might be cached. For any transfer between host memory and a bus master DMA NIC, the miniport must flush the buffer before the transfer starts. Such a driver also must ensure that host memory is not accessed until the...
这个问题我没有继续探究,不过从缓冲区大小默认为8K来看,应该是命中了最大缓冲区,并自动flush了。 最后 这个问题定位下来前前后后花了不少时间,很早就怀疑了是flushBuffer失效的问题,但是由于种种原因导致在进行远程Debug这步上磕磕碰碰。 其实反过头来想,download接口的实现本身就是有问题的,在明确ContentType的情况下...
FLUSH_FLAGS_NO_SYNCDateidaten und Metadaten im Dateicache werden geschrieben. Der zugrunde liegende Speicher wird nicht synchronisiert, um den Cache zu leeren. Dieses Flag ist für Volumehandles ungültig. Unterstützte Windows-Dateisysteme: NTFS, FAT, exFAT. ...