当然,shared pool里不仅仅是SQL语句,还包括管理shared pool的内存结构以及执行计划、控制信息等等内存结构。 当oracle在shared pool中查找相同的SQL语句的过程中,如果SQL语句使用了绑定变量(bind variable),那么就是比较SQL语句的静态部分,前面我们已经知道,静态部分是有限的,很容易就能够缓存在内存里,从而找到相同的SQL...
总结:执行这个语句的结果是将缓存在library cache和data dictionary cache 中的sql,pl/sql和数据字典定义都从共享池中清除了 PS:在负载很重的生产库里执行flush shared_pool无异于自杀...慎用!
The FLUSH SHARED POOL clause lets you clear alldatafrom the shared pool in the system global area (SGA). The shared pool stores Cached data dictionary information and SharedSQLand PL/SQL areas for SQL statements, stored procedures, function, packages, and triggers.ITPUB个人空间![_T_\_i#J....
·Flush Shared Pool会导致当前未使用的cursor被清除出共享池,如果这些SQL随后需要执行,那么数据库将经历大量的硬解析,系统将会经历严重的CPU争用,数据库将会产生激烈的Latch竞争。 ·如果应用没有使用绑定变量,大量类似SQL不停执行,那么Flush Shared Pool可能只能带来短暂的改善,数据库很快就会回到原来的状态。 ·如果Sh...
SQL> select count(*) from x$ksmsp; COUNT(*) --- 7515 PS:我靠...这增加的也太快了吧...每个buckets的碎片数量>2000就认为是不太好的一个情况,可能会引起share pool latch争用! 4.使用alter system flush shared_pool命令,并再次查询shared_pool中的碎片 SQL> alter...
To clear the whole shared pool you would issue the following command from a privileged user. ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED_POOL; It's a really brutal thing to do as all parsed SQL will be thrown away. The database will have to do a lot of work to warm up the shared pool again with com...
The Flush the Pool Utility,Utilities>Tools>Flush the Pool, clears out the memory area in the case of non-standard system behavior and performance issues. Reloading of all SQL statements into the memory will occur. When running this utility, the Shared Pool memory cache will be cleared out. ...
AzureSqlTableDataset AzureStorageAuthenticationType AzureStorageLinkedService AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService AzureTableDataset AzureTableSink AzureTableSource AzureTableStorageLinkedService BigDataPoolParametrizationReference BigDataPoolReference BigDataPoolReferenceType BigDataPoolResourceInfo BigDataPoolResource...
KnownSqlConnectionType KnownSqlPartitionOption KnownSqlPoolReferenceType KnownSqlScriptType KnownSsisLogLocationType KnownSsisPackageLocationType KnownStoredProcedureParameterType KnownSybaseAuthenticationType KnownTeamDeskAuthenticationType KnownTeradataAuthenticationType KnownTeradataPartitionOption KnownTriggerReferenceType Kn...
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