FLUSH+RELOAD技术是PRIME+PROBE技术的变体,攻击间谍进程和目标进程的共享页。在共享页中,间谍进程可以确保一个特定的内存的映射从整个cache的层级中剔除。间谍进程就是使用这一点去监控所有的内存映射。这个攻击的方式是Gullasch 等人提出技术为基础的,增加了对虚拟化和多核条件下的适应。 一个攻击轮由三个阶段。在第...
Zirak QaderMo AddaAlexander GegovZ. Allaf, M. Adda, and A. Gegov, "A comparison study on flush+reload and prime+probe attacks on aes using machine learning approachess," UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pp. 203-213, 2017....
Research on cache attacks has shown that CPU caches leak significant information. Recent attacks either use the Flush+Reload technique on read-only shared memory or the Prime+Probe technique without shared memory, to derive encryption keys or eavesdrop o
Like Flush+Reload, it monitors when a process loads read-only shared memory into the CPU cache. However, Flush+Flush does not have a reload step, thus causing no cache misses compared to typical Flush+Reload and Prime+Probe attacks. We show that the significantly lower impact on the ...