This way, the DNS cache stores the IP addresses of every website you visit. However, there are several reasons for flushing your DNS, including for the privacy of your browsing history and for helping you troubleshoot certain errors.
= (rs1_val & ~(zero_extend(ones(cache_block_size_))) - rs1_val; // TODO: This may not be correctsince CHERI may treat CBO operations // differently to normal accesses with to bounds checks. match ext_data_get_addr(rs1, offset, Write(Data, cache_block_size) { Ext_Data...
structure EXT_SET_PARAMETERS structure EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION structure EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION_32 Fonction ExTryConvertSharedSpinLockExclusive Fonction ExTryToAcquireFastMutex Fonction ExUnregisterCallback Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease Fonction ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware macro FIELD...
because in the event of a crash you lose at most one statement or transaction from the binary log. However, it is also the slowest choice (unless the disk has a battery-backed cache, which makes synchronization very fast).
cache_block_size_exp))) - rs1_val; // TODO: This is not correct sinceCHERI treats CBO operations // differently to normal accesses with respectto bounds checks. match ext_data_get_addr(rs1, offset, Write(Data, cache_block_size) { Ext_DataAddr_Error(e) => { ext_handle_data...
CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_FLUSH_INFO 结构包含 Cryptnet URL 缓存 (CUC) 服务用于维护 URL 缓存条目的过期信息。 此结构构成作为 pAuxInfo 参数传递给 CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl 方法的 CRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO 结构的 pFlushInfo 成员。 语法 C++ 复制 typedef struct _CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_FLUSH_INFO { DWORD...
SATA disks translateSYNCHRONIZE_CACHEinto eitherATA_CMD_FLUSHorATA_CMD_FLUSH_EXTin ata_get_xlat_func() and ata_scsi_flush_xlat() in drivers/ata/libata-scsi.c. Whether or not the disk has write cache enabled comes into this through the SCSI layer: ...
kmem_cache_set_move(9F) kmem_free(9F) kmem_zalloc(9F) kstat_create(9F) kstat_delete(9F) kstat_install(9F) kstat_named_init(9F) kstat_named_setstr(9F) kstat_queue(9F) kstat_runq_back_to_waitq(9F) kstat_runq_enter(9F) kstat_runq_exit(9F) kstat_waitq_enter(9F) kstat_waitq_exit...
(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-6) detect_feature: extsize is disabled by conf 2017-02-05 17:56:58.865980 7fe5719a8800 5 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-6) mount op_seq is 21415527 2017-02-05 17:56:58.866594 7fe5719a8800 1 leveldb: Recovering log #3833784 2017-02-05 17:56:58.870358...
The library will cache the callback vector internally in the CMI context handle after the call is done. CMI libraries provide support for basic diagnosability to aid in debugging issues in the fields. Clients can request CMI library to trace one or more facilities (sub-components in CMI ...