1、右键点击系统桌面左下角的【开始】,在开始的右键菜单中点击【命令提示符(管理员)】 或者点击开始菜单后输入cmd,右键选择以管理员打开(看下图更容易理解) 2、执行ipconfig /flushdns命令 3、执行ipconfig /registerdns 二、使用 netsh winsock reset 命令重置 Winsock 目录,需要管理员权限才能执行,需要重启电脑才能...
flush_tlb_all和flush_cache_all刷出整个TLB/高速缓存。此操作只在操纵内核页表时需要,因为 TLB cache 原理 确认是否命中cache,如果cachehit直接可以得到物理地址。否则,一级一级查找页表获取物理地址。并将虚拟地址和物理地址的映射关系缓存到TLB中。TLB的特殊 虚拟地址映射物理地址的最小单位是4KB。所以TLB其实不...
flush_dcache_all(); if(err==0) { lock_byte_mutex(&print_mutex); Expand DownExpand Up@@ -791,12 +791,14 @@ static void page_inv_up(void *src_addr, struct stressapptest_params *sat) for(inti=0;i<sat->block_num;i++) { ...
Running a .cmd file at startup using Task Scheduler on Windows 2012 R2 server running a program as a service in windows server 2008 r2 Running a vbs script in task schedule in windows 2008 Running of Terminal Server disk space, considering different Profile environment to save space. Need sug...
Clear cache on Windows 10 To flush DNS on Windows 10, simply run the DNS flush command in the command prompt console by following these steps: Right-click the Windows Start menu, then click Run. Typecmd, and then click OK. In the command prompt window, type the flush DNS command:ipconf...
Flush DNS Cache On Windows 10 OS Step 1:Go to the search bar and type“cmd”for opening the command prompt and press enter. You will be able to see the Black screen as shown below. Step 2: Now you can clear the DNS cache entries by entering the following command as shown inScreensh...
The following guide will teach you how to flush your DNS Cache.The first step to flushing your DNS is to open your “Windows Command” prompt.WinXP: Start, Run and then type “cmd” and press Enter. Vista, Window 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10: Click “Start” and type the word “...
If you need to flush the DNS cache on Windows 11, one straightforward method is running a couple of commands from the command line. For reference, these steps will work in the newerWindows Terminalapplication, as well asWindows PowerShelland the olderCommand Line(cmd) utility. ...
Exit CMD Your DNS cache should have been reset. Let us see it in a bit more detail. You need to open an administrative command prompt window. In search box, typecmd. Then, right-click on it and choose ‘Run as administrator’ option. Alternatively, you can also open an elevated command...
Read up on what is a DNS cache and how it works. Learn how to flush DNS cache on different MacOS versions.