Excitation processes in atoms or ions usually involve the promotion of one of the least tightly bound outer shell electrons to a higher orbital leading to a state lying below the ionization threshold. It is possible however to form highly excited discrete states that are embedded in the ...
Valency is another term referring to the number of valence electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom. Valence electrons are those found in the outer electron shell. These are the electrons responsible for an element's reactions with other elements....
Because the fluorine atom has only nine electrons, which are close to the nucleus, thepositive nucleus has a strong tendency to gain electrons to complete its outer shell. As a gasits density (specific gravity) is 1.695, and as a liquid, its density is 1.108. Its freezing point is–219.61...
An ionic bond is formed when electrons are transferred while a covalent bond is formed when the electrons are shared between the atoms. Both types of bonds involves the present of valence electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons present in the o...
The elements in Family 18 are called inert gases because they are chemically non-reactive. This is due to their stable electron configuration with a full outer shell, making them unlikely to gain or lose electrons to form chemical bonds with other elements. ...
.Show all the electrons in each ion.(2)(b)Carbon tetrafluoride is a simple molecular compound.The displayed formul a for a molecule of carbon tetrafluoride is F C F FDraw a dot and cross diagram to show the arrangement of the electrons in this molecule.Show only the outer electrons.(2...
Fluorine is also the most electronegative element. Fluorine attracts electrons more readily than any other element. On average, the amount of fluorine in the human body is three milligrams. Fluorine is primarily mined in China, Mongolia, Russia, Mexico and South Africa, according to Minerals Educa...
"anode" means the surface of a conductor acting to sink electrons from the electrolyte, and also refers to the anode assembly comprising a carbon portion (will have an anodic surface when current is applied) and a current carrier; "anode assembly" is used to designate all the elements makin...
How many electrons do halogens have in their outer shell? What is the chemical element fluorine? What element is fluorine? What is the group number for halogens? What is the outer electron configuration for halogens? How many electrons do halogens gain? How many single covalent bonds can ha...
How many electrons in each shell of a N-14 atom in the ground state? How to write molecular orbital configuration Describe the lowest-energy electronic configuration of an atom. Using the abbreviated quantum number notation (s, p, d, f), write the electronic configuration of the follow...