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It is noted that the movement to ban the substance grew out of a proposal by Health Canada, Canada's public health ministry, to reduce levels of fluoride in Canada's water supply. Among other issues the article distinguishes the 2009 movement to ban fluoridated water from the effort to do ...
a city in Canada, ceased fluoridation in 2011. But just a decade later, in 2021, Calgary decided to bring it back. Astudyfrom earlier this year found more children in Calgary needed dental surgery during the period without water fluoridation compared to children in a nearby town that continued...
To see the potential impact of stopping water fluoridation, Yancoskie points to locations that have been previously studied. "The two areas that were studied were Juneau, Alaska, and Alberta, Canada, and when they removed that fluoride, the rates of cavities increased dramatically in the children...
Adding fluoride in water is a common practice in many countries, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The goal is to reduce tooth decay. But does it help? And are there any dangers you should be concerned about? Introduction and Editor’s Notes by Ocean Robbins ...
We are a broad coalition of concerned citizens who believe that all Calgarians should have access to clean and safe public water. We believe in our right to make individual choices as to what goes into our bodies and those of our children. We are for flu
Fluoride at low concentration is an essential element for dental health. However groundwater in many countries has exceeding concentrations of fluoride, which poses a health threat to millions of people around the world. It has been estimated that more t
in Drinking Water Toxicological Sciences, 1996 Powered by This Issue Views 297,483 Citations 182 4438 Download PDF More Cite This Permissions Original Investigation August 19, 2019 Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada Rivka Green, MA1; ...
Around 1945, local water treatment facilities began to add sodium fluoride to our water supply. The first thing you should know is that the fluoride they put in our drinking water is not a pharmaceutical grade additive. It is an industrial waste byproduct. ...
Over the past 75 years, health authorities have declared that community water fluoridation—a practice that reaches over 400 million worldwide—is safe. Yet, studies conducted in North America examining the safety of fluoride exposure in pregnancy were nonexistent. When a Canadian study reported that...