This article will explain how fluoride works, the benefits and risks of fluoride in toothpaste, the dangers of too much fluoride, and alternatives for those who need it. Verywell / Jessica Olah How Fluoride in Toothpaste Helps Scientists have determined several ways fluoride strengthens teeth and ...
When teeth come in, use only a smear (no bigger than a grain of rice) of fluoride toothpaste for twice-daily brushing. Spit it out! As soon as they are able, children should be taught to spit out toothpaste when brushing. Ages three to eight: ...
Although it is a natural substance, fluoride is highly toxic to human beings, even more so than lead. If you were to ingest a mere 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a common ingredient in toothpaste), you would probably die. The amount of fluoride in a typical tube of fluoride toothpaste i...
Your one-stop destination for everything fluoride related. Even if you’re a complete beginner or someone that knows a lot about fluoride, you’ve come to the right place. You’ll learn the dangers fluoride poses and all the steps needed to eliminate it from your daily life. Enjoy!
In fact,Natural News just ran a very impassioned op-ed piece about the dangers of fluoridation in water.Calgary recently votedto stop fluoridating its water supply, while nearly simultaneously, parts of England are now fluoridating their water for the first time ever. ...
To protect kids from fluoride-related dangers, parents should treat toothpaste like any other harmful chemical and keep it locked up when not in use. Doctors recommend supervising children younger than age 6 while they brush and reminding them to spit out the paste rather than swallowing. Parents...
in 1996, NHF Board of Governors member Dr. Richard Kunin wrote and published anarticledescribing the dangers of fluoridation. And, in 2012, NHF-Ireland launched a boycott of that country’s widespread fluoridation practices that had resulted in excessive fluoride in such consumables as Guiness beer...
ORL offers natural, organic and fluoride free Toothpaste, Breath Spray and Mouthwash. Free from over 100 harmful ingredients, ORL delivers a perfect 7.0 pH balance using organic xylitol, natural hydroxyapatite, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Try
If I drink bottled water, am I getting enough fluoride? If bottled water is your primary source of drinking water, you may not be getting enough fluoride. While fluoride is added to public water supplies in much of the U.S. to reduce tooth decay, the majority of bottled waters on the ...
(OR=3.52, 95% CI, 1.06, 11.73), and 3.44 times as likely to mention the dangers of fluoride use in children 1-5 years old (OR=3.44, 95% CI, 1.05, 11.23).Conclusion: Widely-viewed fluoride-related information on YouTube has an anti-fluoride sentiment, focusing more on the danger of...