FLUKE福禄克计量CNX3000校准手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 CNX3000 WirelessMultimeter CalibrationManual December2012 ©2012FlukeCorporation.Allrightsreserved.Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. Allproductnamesaretrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies. ...
mA signals RTDs Thermocouples Sourcing capabilities mA signals Temperature simulation - RTD Temperature simulation - Thermocouple 4-20 mA signal DC voltage Frequency Resistance Pressure generation Internal electric pump Internal manual pump Voltage measurement 300 V (ac/dc) 30 V (dc)Clear ...
Unduh manual produkBeli sekarang Ikhtisar Produk Spesifikasi Model Manual + Sumber Ikhtisar Produk: Kamera Inspeksi Fluke Networks FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Pro FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Pro membuat inspeksi MPO dan kabel serat optik tunggal menjadi mudah dan efisien. Gambar real-time instan dengan ...
Internal manual pump Voltage measurement 300 V (ac/dc) 30 V (dc) Fluke pressure calibrators are designed to make it faster and easier for instrumentation technicians to calibrate and maintain pressure devices in process plants. Pressure devices provide critical process measurement information to ...
theyapply,willbefoundthroughoutthemanual.Wherenecessary,thewarningand cautionstatementsand/orsymbolsaremarkedontheinstrument. 1.3CautionandWarningStatements Caution Usedtoindicatecorrectoperatingormaintenanceprocedures topreventdamagetoordestructionoftheequipmentorother property. Warning Callsattentiontoapotentialdangerthat...
Metal Tech Jobber Plus Programmer Press Control w/ Instruction ManualMETAR FA 4 02 X/Y CAPACITOR WINDING MACHINEMETASYS MS-MIG3120-0 USPP MSMIG31200METASYS NU-XRE101-0 NSFP NUXRE1010Metcal BGA-3501METCAL VPI-1000 OPTICAL VISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEMMetcal VPI-1000? Visual Inspection System Exact ...
Dans les faits, le 700HPPK couvre au moins cinq fois plus d'applications que les pompes pneumatiques standard. Le système de filtre intégré protège l'appareil des contaminants qui proviennent de l'appareil à l'essai. Produits connexes (6) 700HPM High Pressure...
Manual Traceable calibration certificate Test leads 通用配件: 配件 描述 配件 描述 Fluke 720RTD RTD Probe for 721 and 719Pro Fluke-720URTDA Universal RTD Adapter for Fluke 721 and 719Pro 750Pxx Pressure Module Series Specifications 1-Year
锴斐代理FLUKE产品I3000S FLEX-24锴斐代理FLUKE产品FLUKE-Y200H锴斐代理FLUKE产品FLUKE-Y200F锴斐代理FLUKE产品FLUKE-1503锴斐代理FLUKE产品PV350 (CALIBRATION W/MANUAL)锴斐代理FLUKE产品VPS250锴斐代理FLUKE产品VPS201锴斐代理FLUKE产品VPS100锴斐代理FLUKE产品SCC120E锴斐代理FLUKE产品5020A-LW3锴斐代理FLUKE产品...
OTDR 类型 Auto, Datacenter, Manual Auto, Auto PON, Manual, Manual PON 事件死区 850 nm :0.5 m(典型), 1300 nm :0.7 m(典型),1310 nm :0.6 m(典型), 1550 nm :0.6 m(典型) 1310 nm :0.7 m(典型), 1490 nm :0.7 m(典型),1550 nm :0.7 m(典型), 1625 nm :0.7 m(典型) 衰减死区 850...