Multimeter Multimeter W Option True Rms Dmm Vintage Simpson 260 Series Pocket Multimeter Fluke 8050A Digital Multimeter Fluke Multimeter 179 Fluke 87V True Rms Multi-Meter Very Nice Bench Digital Multimeter Multimeter With Extras Autoranging Digital Multimeter Fluke 87V Digital Multimeter Very Nice ...
2Software de Fluke Information about who uses calibration equipment and how often they use it How to automate a calibrator When to upgrade an old calibration instrument Calibrator price ranges Fluke is proud to be a quality calibrator manufacturer. If you would like help selecting a calibrator,spea...
although I was working on the 77 A/D converter and TRMS converter. But the 77 came out after I left for Wavetek. At Wavetek I developed the model 52 DataMultimeter. Worked well but Wavetek couldn't crack the DMM market. I also contributed on Arbitrary Waveform Generators at Wavetek and ...