Compare IP rating, battery life and other features. What is the difference between the Fluke 87V MAX and the 87V digital multimeter?
Fluke 87V Kits Combo kit with the Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter, heavy duty test leads, alligator clips and test... Kit combiné Fluke 287 FlukeView® Forms avec connecteur ir3000 FC Optimisez votre productivité avec le kit combiné associant le Fluke 287 au logiciel FlukeView®......
Fluke's most rugged digital multimeter. The 87V MAX is built with an industrial strength case and a removable holster. The holster doubles as a test probe holder for one-handed operation. Works as long as you do The 87V MAX provides double the battery life of the original 87V. ...
Fluke 87V MAX 真有效值数字万用表 说明书 October 2019 Rev. 1, 2/20 (Simplified Chinese)© 2019-2020 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies. 87V MAX Digital Multimeter 用户手册 ...
福禄克 Fluke 87V MAX 真有效值数字万用表 校准手册 说明书 87V MAX Digital Multimeter Calibration Information Introduction Warning To prevent electric shock or injury, do not do the performance tests or calibration adjustment procedures unless qualified to do so.The information provided in this document ...
0.44 A I = 0.995 kΩ to 1.005 kΩ I = OL11 A I = 00.0 Ω to 00.5 Ω I = OL123PN 5160944 October 2019 ©2019 Fluke Corporation. All Rights Reserved. W�»87V MAXDigital Multimeter 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开 ...
87V-MAX 由FLUKE 设计生产,在 华秋商城 现货销售,并且可以通过 等渠道进行代购。 87V-MAX 价格参考¥ 510.19 。 FLUKE 87V-MAX 封装/规格: , INDUSTRIAL TRUE RMS HEAVY DUTY MULTIMETER。你可以下载 87V-MAX 中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有 详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法...
FLUKE-87V-MAX 由FLUKE 设计生产,在 华秋商城 现货销售,并且可以通过 等渠道进行代购。 FLUKE-87V-MAX 价格参考¥ 510.19 。 FLUKE FLUKE-87V-MAX 封装/规格: , INDUSTRIAL TRUE RMS HEAVY DUTY MULTIMETER。你可以下载 FLUKE-87V-MAX 中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有 详细引脚图及功能的...
87V MAX Product Name:Digital Multimeter Instrument Description:True-rms digital multimeter Memory Description:The 87V MAX has one memory device: U2, micro controller, TI MSP430F449,60kB Flash, 2048B RAM, contains operating code for the product and calibration constants.Memory Cleaning Instructions:The...
Digital Multimeter 特性 5 表3.按键开关(续) 按钮 开关档位 功能 通断性 MIN MAX 记录 Hz, 占空系 数 打开或关闭通断性测试的峰鸣器。 在峰值 (250 μs) 和正常 (100 ms) 响应时间之间切换。 切换仪表,使其在正斜率或负斜率上触发。 任何开关位 置 打开按钮背光和...