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Vorgestellte Produkte Fluke 117 Elektriker-Multimeter mit berührungslosem Spannungstester Fluke 87 V Industriemultimeter Digitalmultimeter VideosAlle Artikel zu Digitalmultimetern Artikel Anleitung zum Prüfen auf Durchgang Learn how to test continuity using a digital multimeter. Digitalmultimeter, Grun...
Buy Fluke 117C Auto Range High Precision True RMS Digital Multimeter, Wholesale Measuring Power Supply tool Cheapest Mobile Phone Repair tool at Martview
This combo kit pairs the new Fluke 117 DMM with a Fluke 323 clamp meter for productive and effective troubleshooting in one total solution, including the new C115 durable soft carrying case for protection and easy meter transportation. Fluke117 Digital Multimeter. Designed by Electricians. Engineered...
福禄克Fluke117MultimeterandPRV240ProvingUnitKit数据表用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 TECHNICAL DATA Fluke 117 Multimeter and PRV240 Proving Unit Kit 主要特性 True-rms electrician’s digital multimeter with non-contact voltage detection, AutoVolt automatic ac/dc voltage selection Reduces the ...
产品概述: Fluke 117 Multimeter and PRV240 Proving Unit KitThe Fluke 117 multimeter and PRV240 Proving Unit Kit combines a general-purpose electrician’s digital multimeter with a portable, pocket-sized, battery-powered voltage source that provides a safe method to verify that your electrical test ...
For electricians, the right tools are non-negotiable. Enter the Fluke 17B+: a multimeter designed to meet your needs with precision and reliability. It covers essential measurements—frequency, duty cycle, and temperature—in a compact form, perfect for
FLUKE 117/C11XT/TPAK Fluke Calibration Digital multimeter, LCD, 3,75 digit (6000), True RMS AC 31起订 1+ ¥5073.66 1-3周 购买 英国11号仓库 仓库直销,订单金额100元起订,满300元含运,满500元含税运,有单就有优惠,量大更优惠,支持原厂订货 型号 制造商 描述 实时库存 起订量 实时单价 (含税...
Specifications of UT117C High-precision True RMS Digital Multimeter Specifications FLUKE福禄克F179C数字万用表环境指标 工作温度:-10°C 至 +50°C 存储温度:-30°C 至 +60°C 湿度(无凝露):0% – 90% (0°C – 35°C);0% – 70% (35°C – 50°C) ...
The Fluke 113 Digital Multimeter gives users the means to quickly and easily do basic meter set and reconnect testing. This meter is simple-to-use and has the features needed to repair most electrical problems. The Fluke 113 has significant improvements over other digital multimeters available on...