Fluke 87V-MAX True RMS Digital Multimeter with built-in thermometer. Get Free Shipping when you buy now from Fluke-Direct.com. In stock, fast shipping!
Until now, there hasn't been a multimeter able to accurately measure adjustable speed drives. But the new Fluke 87V is designed specifically to handle these complex signals. Think of the potential productivity you'll gain by taking the guesswork out of drive system troubleshooting. Measurements are...
The Fluke 87V TRMS multimeter provides the resolution and accuracy to efficiently troubleshoot motor drives, plant automation, power distribution, and electromechanical equipment. Buy now!
multimeter met logfunctie en TrendCapture Fluke 28-II industriële multimeters Fluke 116 HVAC-multimeter met temperatuur- en microampèremeting Fluke 287 true-RMS multimeter met datalogging-functie en TrendCapture Fluke 3000 FC-serie wireless multimeter Fluke 114 elektrische multimeter Fluke 113 ...
Fluke 83 V - multimetr przemysłowy Fluke 87 V, multimetr przemysłowy True RMS Fluke 87 V/E2 Zestaw dla elektryków przemysłowych Seria 80 V pracuje bardzo podobnie do klasycznej serii 80, jednak posiada większe możliwości rozwiązywania problemów, bezpieczeństwo, liczniej...
Fluke 113 digitale multimeter De Fluke 113 digitale multimeter biedt gebruikers de mogelijkheid om snel en eenvoudig basismeterinstellingen en aansluitingstests uit te voeren. Dit meetinstrument is bijzonder gebruiksvriendelijk en beschikt over de functies die u nodig hebt om de meeste elektrisch...
Fluke 87VC industrial multimeter F87VC Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Multimeter temperature Conductance testerNote:Battery Not IncludedFeatures 1.Accurate measurement of true RMS AC voltage and current for non-linear singals 2.An optional fliter for accurate measurement of the motor drive voltage ...
87V MAX87 V IP 等級IP 67IP 30 電池壽命800 小時400 小時 掉落測試4 公尺3 公尺 背光鍵盤是否 TwistGuard™ 測試導線是否 真均方根讀數交流電交流電 基本直流電準確度0.05%0.05% 交流/直流電壓1000 V1000 V 交流/直流電流10 A10 A 電阻50 MΩ50 MΩ ...