(1 pair) Test leads 9V Battery (Installed) Quick reference guide Related products Previous Next Fluke TL175 TwistGuard™ Test Leads Simply twist to change the exposed probe tip length. 4.6 (61) Fluke i400 AC Current Clamp Fluke i400 AC current clamps extend the use of digital multimeters. ...
The Fluke TL75 Hard Point™ Test Leads are a set of comfort grip, PVC-insulated probes. TL75s offer the convenience of a test lead and probe together in one unit with a variety of connections. This set of test leads are recommended for all general-purpose measurements and are compatible...
Fluke 773 features:• DC voltage measurement to verify 24 V power supplies or voltage I/O signals • Source dc voltage to test input devices that accept a 1 to 5 volt or 0 to 10 volt signal • Scaled mA output provides a continuous mA signal that corresponds to the 4 to 20 mA...
Test Leads TL940 微型挂勾测试线组 TL950 微型探针测试线组 电池,充电器和适配器 BC7240 电池充电器/整流器 BP7240 锂电池组 软件 750SW Fluke 750 SW DPC/TRACK2 软件
简述: THERMOCOUPLE AND TEST LEADS SET 申请服务 我要购买 我要融资 保修/维修/计量校准等服务 商品介绍 在线问答 5520A是一款革命性的产品,定位于各种领域的电气校准工作。它可以提供直流电压和电流、交流电压和电流的多种波形和谐波,同时输出两路电压,或者一路电压和一路电流,模拟功率(有相位控制)、电阻、电容、...
Fluke 77 IVDigital Multimeter for field service or bench repair Model includes: Installed 9V battery Test leads Users manual 机套和挂件 TPAKToolPak™ 电流钳 < 仪器介绍 同类仪器 售后服务 如何购买 数字万用表 METRAHit 30M 数字万用表 METRAHit 29S ...
Fluke Electronics Inc TwistGuard Test Leads Add $61.70current price $61.70Fluke Electronics Inc TwistGuard Test Leads Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Fluke L211 Probe Light Kit Add $113.93current price $113.93Fluke L211 Probe Light Kit Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Fluke PROBE CLAMP-ON...
Fluid trap, 1/4" NPT to ¼" ISO adapter, accessory hose kit with two 1/8" quick-fit adapters and 3.3-ft (1-m) hose, test leads with alligator clips, users manual on CD-ROM in 14 languages, carrying case, and calibration document supplied by the manufacture ...
Voltage test leads, four alligator clips, four 1500 A flexible current probes, 12” (Model 1736/EUS), Energy Analyze Plus software, WiFi adapter, line cords, color coding set and documentation on USB flash drive, soft case, and power supply. ...
Fluid trap, 1/4" NPT to ¼" ISO adapter, accessory hose kit with two 1/8" quick-fit adapters and 3.3-ft (1-m) hose, test leads with alligator clips, users manual on CD-ROM in 14 languages, carrying case, and calibration document supplied by the manufacture ...